Do you remember how to ask the question "where are you from"?
Sure, it is with the verb venir de: d'où viens-tu ? or d'où venez-vous ? - in the formal form.
Now, what would you answer if I was asking you from which shop or store or place in town you are just coming from?
Uh... Can't I use the prepositions I learned with countries (ie du, de, des)?
I'm afraid not. Let's have a look:
Mmh, that seems pretty easy actually... Weird.
Ha ha ha, yes it is! Only the masculine and the plural change a little, the feminine and words starting with vowels don't.
Great, I think I'm going to nail the practice.
Wait a minute...
To say where you're going, using the verb aller à, you also need special prepositions ;)