0s | - People seem to think being quiet is a bad thing. |
2s | People talk over you a lot, |
4s | they assume you're an introvert. |
6s | Sometimes they just forget you're there. |
12s | But, there are also perks of being quiet. |
17s | BuzzFeed presents Perks of being quiet. |
19s | First off, you say fewer stupid things. |
21s | - That color goes great with your skin. |
22s | - And what does my skin normally look like? |
24s | - No, I just was saying because the... |
29s | |
32s | - That color looks really nice on you, Daisha. |
34s | |
36s | - People think of you as being a good listener. |
38s | - Anyway, thank you so much, |
40s | nobody listens as well as you do. |
42s | |
43s | Everyone thinks you're mysterious. |
48s | You can sneak out of situations |
49s | |
56s | And when you laugh, people take it as a sign that |
57s | something is really funny, because you rarely do. |
60s | People are blown away when you |
61s | |
63s | - I mean, did you steal this from Coolio's tour bus? |
71s | Finally, when you do talk, |
73s | everyone takes you super seriously. |
76s | What we should actually do, |
77s | is have mini pies and cupcakes. |
83s | - I didn't even think of that. |
85s | |
95s | For videos that are totally you |
97s | subscribe to BuzzFeed violet, subscribe. |
100s | |