0s | Let me tell you the story, folks |
1s | It's about a guy named Jan |
3s | and it begins when he was 16 growing up in a rural village |
6s | |
8s | And as he told Forbes recently, |
9s | this was not the greatest place or time to be Jewish |
12s | So 16-year-old Jan and his housekeeper mom decide to move to America |
16s | Dad? He can't afford to come |
18s | And to save just a few pennies more |
20s | they fill a suitcase with Soviet-issued pens and notebooks |
24s | so this boy would have supplies at his new school in glorious California |
28s | They land in Silicon Valley, where mom gets a job and then gets cancer |
33s | And they survive on her disability insurance and food stamps |
36s | Jan gets in a bit of trouble at school but at the same time |
39s | teaches himself computers with manuals from the used bookstore |
42s | He enrolls at San Jose State but then drops out |
45s | when Yahoo calls with a good job |
47s | and there he befriends a guy named Brian |
48s | who takes him under his wing when Jan's mom passes away |
52s | After almost a decade of mostly soulless engineering work at Yahoo, |
56s | they quit, blow some of their savings on some travel, go to South America, play some Ultimate Frisbee |
60s | They apply for jobs at Facebook and get rejected |
64s | but using one of those Soviet notebooks he was saving for special projects |
68s | Jan draws a plan for something called WhatsApp |
71s | His invention would allow a person to message anyone on any device anywhere in the world for free |
77s | Just a couple of year after launch, it explodes |
81s | And then Mark Zuckerberg calls |
83s | At the Facebook founder's house, over chocolate-covered strawberries on this Valentine's Day, |
88s | |
89s | And this week, along with their main investor, |
91s | the guys make a symbolic trip back to the social services office where Jan used to line up for food stamps |
98s | and they sign the papers that made these guys billionaires |
101s | To put this in perspective, Erin, |
103s | factoring in tonight's market cap, Walmar is worth about 108,000 dollars per employee |
108s | GM, a little over 273,000 |
111s | Apple, almost a whopping 6 million dollars per full-time employee |
115s | But WhatsApp just sold for 344 million dollars per employee |
121s | They only have 55 people working there, although they are hiring |