3s | What's up FoodTubers! Mister Oliver here! |
6s | Today we are cooking scrambled eggs, in three different ways. |
9s | The English, the French and the American way. |
15s | Scrambled eggs, so delicious! |
20s | The egg is the most delicious and cheap form of protein. |
27s | They have loads of micro nutrients. |
29s | |
32s | |
33s | We go onto a medium heat. |
36s | I am using two eggs per person. |
40s | |
46s | |
48s | One request: I hate battery eggs. Minimum for me are barn eggs. |
54s | Or better: free range eggs. |
58s | |
59s | Start with a knob of butter. |
63s | |
64s | |
66s | To move the eggs around I use a spatula, like this. |
72s | I am going to move it around. |
75s | Very quickly it is setting. |
77s | You can see those little cooked curds and the raw egg. |
81s | |
82s | Every five seconds, I'll give it a little move around. |
87s | Some people put milk in, some people put cream in. |
90s | If you cook it right, you don't need that. |
93s | |
95s | |
97s | And it is continuing to cook. |
98s | I put it to one corner of the pan. |
103s | So it is not going to overcook. |
106s | |
108s | You can put butter on your toast. |
110s | But we have a nice knob of butter already on the scrambled eggs. |
114s | On we go with our English style scrambled eggs. |
121s | You can see it's medium curds. |
126s | |
128s | It is still soft in texture. |
130s | |
132s | Soft, gorgeous, delicate. |
134s | |
137s | Bonjour, je m'appelle Jamie. J'aime le oeuf. Oeuf? Ouf? Ouve? |
144s | Anyway, French style eggs. |
145s | You season four free-range eggs. |
149s | |
150s | We have got an inch of boiling water. |
152s | We are cooking it au bain-marie, a water bath. |
157s | Eggs cook at a very low temperature. |
161s | |
185s | Okay, curds beginning to form, here and here. |
193s | Now it is time to put a few knobs of butter in. |
196s | I am going from a whisk. I am going to use a spatula. |
201s | You start to see a more delicate curd. |
206s | |
208s | |
210s | Very different to the English. |
213s | |
215s | |
221s | French style eggs. They are delicious. |
224s | Finally, FoodTubers, the American style eggs. |
233s | |
235s | Put a little salt into our four eggs. |
238s | We are using a frying pan. |
240s | |
243s | |
244s | |
246s | |
248s | As it sets, I'm bringing in these sheets. |
253s | You get this folded gorgeous eggs. |
260s | See these beautiful sheet. |
262s | Just as the French and the English: it must cook gently. |
271s | There is something delicate about this. |
276s | You can see the shiny parts where it's just cooking. |
279s | |
282s | |
283s | Scrambled, American style eggs. So tasty. |
288s | The French, English and American all have the same. |
290s | Eggs, pinch of salt and butter. |
293s | But the method to cook has changed the texture and the taste. |
300s | The English, the French and the American, are just the tip of the iceberg. |
303s | There are hundreds of countries. |
305s | How do you cook your eggs? |
307s | |
308s | That's what Food Tube is about. Bye! |