3s | Why did I choose this book? |
5s | Actually, the real truth is, it was in a stack of books sent to me by the book editor at O magazine, Lee Haber |
18s | she sends me books all the time to read |
20s | and it was in a stack of about five or six books |
22s | and in the stack, it was the one was the boldest cover and the name that I was drawn to is Behold the Dreamers |
32s | So because of the cover - I know they say you can't judge a book by its cover, |
36s | but I liked the cover, it stood out, and I love the title Behold the Dreamers |
42s | so I wanted to know what is that about? |
44s | That's how I chose it to read |
47s | And then after I started reading it, I thought woah, this is as good as the cover |
54s | I'm excited that everybody else gets to indulge in the luxury of this story for the first time |
64s | What about the book resonates with you the most? |
68s | I like reading all kinds of fiction, historical fiction, particularly I'm drawn to |
76s | but when I find a story that is as modern and feels like it could have happened today, or certainly yesterday, or in these times |
86s | that has all the dynamics, hardened soul of family, connection, what it really means to know what home is |
99s | it has drama, it has great antagonists and protagonists and people that you're rooting for |
106s | and people [towards] whom you're like, what, are they still in the story? |
109s | It has all the elements for a read that allows you to take your mind and thoughts and your idea of what it means to be a certain kind of person in the world someplace else |
128s | What struck you about the author? |
131s | Well, first of all, I - like any of you - could not pronounce the author's name |
136s | |
144s | What struck me was, what is that name? |
146s | And when I called her up to tell her about the book club, and that I was choosing this book |
153s | and that I had been so engaged in this story, her reaction and her story about how she came to write the book just was more than I could've imagined |
166s | So wait til you hear that story, it's such a great story |