0s | [Music] |
4s | People wake up in the morning, they begin |
7s | to think about their problems, those |
10s | problems are circuits, memories in the |
13s | brain, each one of those memories are |
15s | connected to people and things at |
17s | certain times and places, and if the |
19s | brain is a record of the past, the moment |
22s | they start their day, they're already |
23s | thinking in the past, each one of those |
26s | memories has an emotion. Emotions are the |
29s | end product of past experiences. So the |
31s | moment they recall those memories of |
33s | their problems, they all of a sudden |
35s | feel unhappy, they feel sad, they feel pain, now |
37s | how you think and how you feel creates |
40s | your state of being. So the person's |
42s | entire state of being, when they start |
45s | their day is in the past. So what does |
47s | that mean? The familiar past will sooner |
49s | or later be predictable future. |
52s | If you believe that your thoughts have |
53s | something to do with your destiny, |
56s | and you can't think greater than how you feel, |
59s | our feelings have become the means |
60s | of thinking, by very definition of emotions, |
63s | your thinking in the past and |
64s | for the most part you're going to keep |
66s | creating the same life. So then people |
68s | grab their cell phone, they check their Whattsap |
71s | they check their texts, |
72s | they check their emails, they check Facebook |
74s | they take a picture of their feet, |
76s | they post it on Facebook, they tweet something, |
77s | they do Instagram, they check the news |
80s | and now they feel really connected to |
82s | everything that's known in their life, |
84s | and then they go through a series of |
85s | routine behaviours. They get out of bed on |
88s | the same side and go to the toilet, |
90s | they got a cup of coffee, they take a shower, |
92s | they get dressed, they drive to work the |
93s | same way, they do the same things, |
95s | they see the same people, that push the same |
97s | emotional buttons, and that becomes the |
100s | routine and it becomes like a program. |
103s | So now they've lost their free will, |
105s | to a program, and there's no unseen hand doing |
108s | it to them. So when it comes time |
111s | to change the redundancy of that cycle |
114s | becomes a subconscious program, now 95% |
118s | of who we are by the time we're |
120s | thirty-five years old is a memorized set |
122s | of behaviors emotional reactions, |
124s | unconscious habits, hardwired attitudes, |
126s | beliefs, and perceptions, that function |
129s | like a computer program. So then, person |
132s | can say with their five percent of their |
133s | conscious mind, I want to be healthy, |
136s | I want to be happy, I want to be free, |
138s | but the body's on a whole different program. |
141s | So then how do you begin to make those changes? |
143s | Well, you have to get beyond the |
146s | analytical mind, because what separates |
148s | the conscious mind from the subconscious |
150s | mind, is the analytical mind and that's |
152s | where meditation comes in, because you |
154s | can teach people, through practice how to |
157s | change their brainwaves, slow them down |
159s | and when they do that properly, they do |
161s | enter the operating system where they |
163s | can begin to make some really important changes. |
166s | The stronger the emotional |
168s | reaction you have to some experience in |
172s | your life, the higher the emotional |
174s | quotient, the more you pay attention to |
176s | the cause, the moment the brain puts all |
178s | of its attention on the cause, it takes |
181s | a snapshot and that's called the memory. |