1s | I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that you, |
3s | yes, YOU, watching this right now, are an introvert. |
6s | How do I know this? |
7s | Because you're watching YouTube videos instead of being outside. |
14s | AHHHHHHH |
14s | rip computer xd |
15s | Don't worry, I'm an introvert too. |
17s | I got an email from an 8 year old once, |
19s | he said he liked my videos, |
20s | it was one of the worst emails I ever got. (wow james) |
21s | So I'm just gonna briefly explain what introvert means to |
24s | all the 8 year olds watching this. |
30s | Hey, kids!! |
31s | Are you ready to learn? (no) |
33s | An introvert is a person who doesn't really like to play with other kids. |
37s | This doesn't make them sad that they're lonely- |
40s | They just would, rather play by themselves. |
42s | Think of it this way; |
43s | has your friend ever asked you to play with them |
45s | but you didn't really want to |
46s | so you asked you mum to make up a reason for you not to go |
49s | If so then you're probably an introvert. |
51s | Or you just need better friends. |
52s | Me and my mom had a code-word |
53s | so if a friend was on the phone who wanted to hangout |
55s | I would say, "Let me ask my mom" |
57s | and when I asked her and I said the code-word it meant; |
60s | "Mom, make up an excuse so I can't go." |
62s | I'm not gonna say the codeword because I still plan on using it. |
65s | I actually made a comic kinda similar to this |
67s | back in 2014, and it's one of my most popular comics |
70s | so thanks for liking it. |
72s | Obviously it would be one of my most popular comics, |
74s | I mean look how great it is. (p.s. It's not that great.) |
75s | Michael, the creator of VSauce- |
77s | -Hey VSauce! Michael here. |
78s | has this new YouTube Red show called mindfield. |
81s | And as of right now, it's the best YouTube Red series. |
83s | And in the first episode, |
84s | Michael goes into an isolation room for 3 days. |
87s | He has no technology, he is all by himself for 3 days. (a.k.a. torture) |
91s | When I first saw this, I thought - thinking James activated |
93s | Hey, maybe I should try that! |
94s | YEA! 3 days of nothing but your own thoughts. |
96s | I could think of comic ideas, I could write a book... |
99s | And I don't even have to write any of these ideas down, |
101s | because everything I say is being recorded! |
104s | Also, speaking of YouTube Red... |
106s | Hey, Susan, I heard you had a new spot open for a Red series! |
110s | I have this great idea called "YouTuber swap", |
112s | it's like wife swap, but with YouTubers. |
114s | Just hit me up if you're interested. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) |
115s | Now, don't get the wrong idea that I'm someone who hates people. |
118s | plot twist alert I don't. |
119s | It's just, if we're strangers, |
120s | then I would rather not talk to you. |
122s | Unless you're a stranger who's a fan of my videos. |
124s | Ok, we can talk about me ALL DAY. |
126s | Bringing up a point from the last video, |
128s | don't be afraid to talk to me. |
130s | You know, every YouTuber is in a weird position |
132s | with their fans, because if you meet me, |
134s | you already have a pretty good idea of who I am as a person. |
137s | For instance, you know how long I wet the bed. ( until you were 8) |
139s | But for me, I have no clue how long YOU wet the bed. |
143s | So... |
144s | What are we talking about? |
145s | I'm okay with having a conversation with people. |
147s | Okay. |
148s | It's just that, I'm never the one who starts |
150s | the conversation. |
151s | But again, this doesn't apply to fans. |
153s | I like to think that I'm decent with conversation, |
155s | but I don't really know how good I am at it. |
157s | I did fail public speaking. |
159s | But on occasion, |
159s | there are times when it's awkward NOT to talk |
162s | to a stranger. |
163s | One time in my college years, |
164s | I got on an elevator to go to a class, |
166s | and another person got on with me. |
168s | I live a pretty crazy life, I know. |
169s | And I did what anyone SHOULD do in that situation. |
172s | I didn't say anything to the other person. |
173s | But then when we got on our floor- |
175s | You know how the elevator doors are suPPOSED |
177s | to open? |
177s | Well this time, it didn't. |
179s | The doors didn't open. |
183s | And it wasn't one of those elevators |
184s | that you could fit a king-sized bed into, |
186s | this elevator was about the size of a redbox. ( thats a small elevator) |
189s | Is the... is the door gonna open? |
191s | smacks lips |
192s | Seems like it should open by now. |
194s | What do you do in that situation? (press the emergency button) |
195s | You can't NOT talk to the person |
197s | you're now trapped with. |
198s | So... what class are you going to? |
201s | Physics? |
202s | Oh, that makes sense, |
203s | 'cause this is a science building. |
205s | chuckles nervously |
206s | Enough time had passed where we started looking up |
207s | the school's number to tell them that we were stuck. |
210s | Which is what you're supposed to do, right? |
211s | There's not like, a button on the elevator |
213s | that you can press to call for help, right? (Mhmm) |
215s | But luckily, while we were doing that for WHATEVER reason, |
217s | after a solid 2 minutes, the door decided to open. |
220s | And just the WAAAVE of relief that went over me |
223s | and this kid. |
226s | -I hope I never see you again. |
228s | Same. |
228s | And that's why I'm never going in an elevator again. |
230s | It's too risky. |
231s | I think the problem I have |
232s | is that I'm bad at STARTING coversations. |
235s | Normally, if I'm talking to someone who I don't know, |
237s | I'll ask, "So, how was your day?" |
239s | But if your day was anything BUT good, |
241s | I don't wanna hear it. |
242s | Deep sigh |
243s | -My dog died :( |
246s | Yeah, they do that. |
247s | Why is starting a conversation so hard? |
249s | I only know like, 3 good conversation starters. |
252s | The first one is, |
253s | "How was your day?" |
254s | And if that doesn't work, |
255s | I start talking about all this CRAZY weather we're having. |
257s | And in Arizona, there's really only one weather; |
260s | Hot. |
260s | Although it DID rain like 2 weeks ago. |
262s | And lastly, if I have NOTHING else to ask, |
264s | I hit them with the really hard question. |
267s | "What colour's your toothbrush?" (lol) |
269s | Mine's red. |
269s | To start a conversation, |
271s | sometimes people will ask, |
274s | I have nothing against these type of questions, |
276s | I think it tells you lot about the person you're talking to, |
278s | but there's one form of this question that I REALLY hate. |
281s | And it's the question... |
282s | What's your favorite candy bar? |
284s | And I hate this question, |
286s | because my favorite candy bar- |
287s | and I will stick by my answer no matter what you think- |
290s | ... is M & M's. |
293s | That's not a candy bar... |
294s | T R I G G E R E D |
295s | What an astute observation! |
297s | I'm a very simple man, alright? |
298s | I like my chocolate pure. |
300s | Sometimes when people ask this, I think, |
302s | "Aagh, I should just say 'Twix', people won't get mad |
304s | if I say 'Twix'." |
305s | But then I remember, |
306s | SCREW Twix, I like M & M's. |
308s | -But James, why don't you just say 'Hershey's' bar? |
310s | Because Hershey's makes a mess on your hands, |
312s | and they don't come in a convenient bite-sized pieces, |
314s | while M & M's hard outer shell improves their overall TEXTURE! |
319s | I had a friend tell me, |
320s | "Well James, I really like Smarties, (gross) |
322s | but I know they're not a bar, |
324s | so I don't say they're my favourite candy BAR." |
326s | First of all dude, |
327s | Smarties, really? That's your favourite candy? |
329s | And second of all, |
330s | the person asking the question honestly doesn't care |
333s | what my answer is. |
333s | Why are you asking such a specific question? |
336s | You're excluding so much other candy. |
338s | Candy BARS are exclusively chocolate. |
340s | What if my favourite candy ISN'T chocolate? |
342s | What if it's- |
343s | Smarties? (no) |
344s | Woah, did you guys just see what I just did there? |
346s | I was talking about M & M's for like, a whole minute! |
349s | I was having a CONVERSATION! (congrats!) |
350s | All because I was arguing why M& M's |
352s | are my favourite candy bar! |
353s | So that's it! |
354s | That's how you talk to people. |
355s | You disagree with everything they say and then |
357s | argue about it. (great way to make friends) |
358s | So everyone watching, |
359s | argue about your favourite candy bar down in the comments. |
361s | Here's some fun little Odd 1s Out trivia! |
364s | I record the audio for these endcards LAST. |
367s | Also, you might notice some caterpillar fanart, |
369s | and if you don't get that reference, |
371s | then you should probably follow me on Twitter. |
373s | Okay, it's not that much of a reference. |
375s | I just drew this picture of a caterpillar |
376s | and I posted it on Twitter. |
378s | I don't know if you can tell, but I'm a little sick right now. |
381s | I wanted to finish this video and post it yesterday, |
383s | but then I thought, |
384s | "I'm sick, I can take sick days." |
387s | So my crappy immune system delayed this video |
389s | a whole DAY. |
390s | So thanks for nothing, immune system. |
392s | I don't know if you saw the store update video, |
394s | but I got 2 new plushies, it's pretty crazy. |
397s | If you buy both of them together then it's only $20. |
400s | What a deal. |
401s | Also, I just wanted to say hi to my friend- |
403s | "SomeThingElseYT", I think he's a cool dude. |
405s | I asked him to voice one of the characters in my video. |
408s | So that's why my voice got all deep and sexy |
410s | for a little bit. |
411s | Also, I just want to say hi to "TimTom". |
413s | I've mentioned him before, and I've even |
414s | drew him in the background of a couple of my videos. |
417s | Well, he made the "James' Clubhouse" intro |
419s | with all the sparkles at 0:26, |
421s | And it actually took him 2 hours to do that. |
423s | He's a pretty slow dude. |
425s | So instead of paying him ACTUAL money, |
426s | I'm just gonna say, thanks TimTom! |
428s | And that'll be worth 2 hours of his life. |
431s | Thanks, TimTom! |
433s | Alright, that's all I wanted to say. |
434s | Eat healthy, go to bed, and wear your seatbelt. |