2s | Test, traffic, twitter, it's all so |
6s | overwelming and stressfull |
9s | but who has the time to relieve stress |
11s | when it's constantly building and building |
14s | well we hope you do because |
16s | studies have shown that to much stress leads to |
19s | headaches, higher blood pressure, an upset stomach, |
22s | memory loss, disturbed sleep and increase risk of heart attacks |
27s | stress does a number on your mind and body |
30s | draining your immune system and messing with |
33s | your ability to consentrate |
34s | having tense sore muscles, shallow breaths, |
37s | increased heart rate, these are all signs that you |
40s | might be too stressed out |
42s | hey, we all know that you can't take fewer classes, |
46s | you can't quit the track team, |
48s | or resign from student government, we get it |
51s | but here are a few tips that will help you |
53s | feel calmer inside when your outside life gets too hectic |
60s | One: stay in and recuperate |
62s | When stressed out you might feel the need to |
64s | tackle everything on you to do list |
66s | all at once, but that sets you up for a burnout |
69s | and failure, instead find simple routine tasks |
72s | to complete at home, like doing the dishes |
74s | |
76s | studies have shown that completing a repetitive task |
79s | allows your brain to pare down and focus |
83s | the perfect cure for a worried scattered mind |
86s | after you finish cleaning your house |
88s | clean yourself, yes we wrote that, |
91s | clean yourself because a warm bath |
94s | or hot shower will boost your mood |
97s | studies have shown that the sensation of |
99s | warm water triggers responses in the body |
101s | and brain similar to those triggered |
103s | |
105s | So think of your next shower |
107s | like a soothing liquid hug |
109s | Hmmmmmmm....... i love you guy |
114s | If you find stress keeping you up |
116s | all night try Progressive Muscle |
119s | Relaxation just before bed |
121s | That is a fancy way to describe clenching |
124s | up every muscle in your body for a |
126s | |
127s | |
128s | |
130s | Lie on your back and start with |
132s | |
133s | continuing through your tummy |
135s | |
136s | and finally your little toes |
138s | |
139s | until every muscle is completely relaxed |
142s | |
142s | |
144s | |
147s | Two! Get out for good vibes |
150s | |
152s | downward dogie paddle your |
154s | |
157s | the spiritual mantra use in |
158s | |
160s | help focus the mind and stave off feeling |
162s | |
163s | yoga not for you? That's ok |
166s | go outside for a good dose of natural |
168s | |
170s | Exercise lessens anxiety and helps |
172s | |
174s | even in the face of distressing events |
177s | Hey! leave the headphones behind |
179s | all the distracting chatter from those text |
181s | and emails and twitts can wait |
184s | |
185s | Instead of texting, emailing or twitting |
188s | |
189s | why don't you guys just meet up |
190s | |
192s | because laughter injects a surge of |
194s | |
196s | which creates feeling of happiness |
198s | |
199s | Which is why you like then so much |