2s | You're not superstitious, |
4s | you're just a little stitious, |
6s | so you and everyone else knows not to walk under ladders. |
9s | The consequences of breaking a mirror, |
10s | and to avoid black cats at all costs. |
14s | But unfortunately there are many more |
16s | lesser-known superstitions around the world |
18s | that you could be violating right now. |
21s | Are you cursing yourself? |
22s | |
23s | By not watching on, it's the countdown |
25s | of the world's most bizarre superstitions. |
31s | First on the list, we've got a spooky lesson in manners. |
34s | We were all told not to speak with our mouths full, |
37s | but there's an old dutch superstition, |
39s | that singing at the dinner table |
41s | |
42s | Folklorists have documented singing at |
44s | the table superstitions in other places too. |
47s | Including Bohemia and North Carolina. |
51s | There are a number of possible origins |
52s | of why the dinner table became a no sing zone, |
56s | either a child with big dreams |
58s | of becoming a pop star was so bad at singing, |
60s | that their parents resorted to |
61s | inventing this superstition, |
63s | or someone insisted on singing so badly during supper, |
66s | that it gave everyone nightmares. |
68s | |