0s | I'm back with my buddy Jesse Palmer. |
2s | Now up next when the oldest mall in America |
4s | was in danger of closing they got really creative |
7s | and decided to turn empty store fronts into tiny apartments. |
12s | Amazing. |
13s | Now there's no such thing as a tiny apartment |
14s | to a New Yorker, I mean we know tiny. |
17s | But these apartments are about 300 square feet |
19s | and it can be, of course, a challenge to |
21s | decorate something that's so small |
23s | so we sent in the big guns, our buddy John Gidding |
26s | to help one resident out with her small space makeover. |
29s | Take a look. |
30s | This is the oldest still standing mall in America. |
34s | It was built in 1828, it's called The Arcade. |
37s | It's in Providence, Rhode Island and |
39s | it was essentially created as three levels |
42s | with a massive skylight over head |
43s | but the top two levels have been turned into tiny apartments |
46s | and we're going to give one of them a makeover. |
48s | (exciting music) |
50s | Carine, so this is the smallest, coolest apartment |
52s | I've ever been in, how big is this space? |
54s | Under 300 square feet. |
56s | Do you live large here because I heard |
57s | you like to entertain. |
59s | I do, that's one of my biggest struggles. |
61s | To eat, sometimes we just eat on the couch or |
63s | we stand here and eat over the counter. |
66s | If I has something that I could have like a spread |
68s | and my friends coming through it would be awesome. |
70s | Yeah, you got to get a lot of function |
71s | out of a small space. |
72s | Since it's a rental you can't really change |
73s | the colors of the wall or change the built ins. |
76s | So everything we do has to be temporary. |
78s | Correct. |
79s | Well we've got our challenge cut out for us. |
81s | I think so. |
82s | (laughing) |
83s | (exciting music) |
87s | If you're renting a space and you can't paint the walls |
89s | and you can't install anything permanent, |
91s | removable wallpaper is a great option |
93s | for creating a huge impact without damaging the walls. |
96s | And then if you made a mistake or you need some help |
99s | reattaching it, it comes right off. |
103s | A headboard is the anchor for a bedroom. |
104s | It brings in a sense of design and comfort and |
107s | we happen to not have one in the smallest bedroom |
109s | in the world, so I'm going to build one. |
112s | I'm actually going to use a curtain for the fabric |
114s | because they're so easily available |
116s | and some Christmas snow for batting. |
120s | (exciting music) |
123s | I think the person that designed this micro loft |
124s | designed it for nominal dimensions of rugs because |
127s | every rug I've brought in here fits the room perfectly. |
130s | They actually look like wall to wall carpeting. |
132s | This is a contender. |
133s | I found this great Paris map print on adle.com |
137s | and it's exactly what this room needs. |
139s | (exciting music) |
148s | Three, two, one. |
151s | Holy wow, it's amazing. |
155s | That is stunning, wow you are the best. |
159s | (laughing) |
161s | I love your place, we changed some of the flooring |
163s | in here, what do you think of the carpet? |
165s | The colors kind of bounce around and |
167s | kind of cohesive and it all comes together. |
169s | Your computer stays but it's in the corner. |
171s | Right. |
172s | So it doesn't become this sort of anchor |
174s | on the side of the room, you can obviously |
176s | still use it easily. |
177s | Right. |
178s | This is your office desk, but at the same time |
182s | this desk can move out into the middle of the room |
184s | And be like a table. |
185s | And this bench, check this out. |
189s | You've thought of everything, it's awesome. |
191s | This becomes seating, table in front of me |
194s | and then two stools behind it, dining for four. |
198s | Okay, ready to see the bedroom? |
199s | I am. |
200s | Come. |
201s | More excitement. |
203s | Oh my good, I can't. |
207s | This is beautiful. |
209s | Oh this is very fancy, like you've gone |
212s | way above my expectations, look at the curtain. |
214s | Yeah, and the fabric of the curtain is |
217s | what we used to create your headboard. |
219s | Wow, I can't get over it it's really great. |
222s | Thank you so much, thank you. |
224s | (applause) |