1s | (light music) |
23s | - Hey. |
24s | - We're like twins. |
25s | - We're gonna, you're gonna need to... |
26s | - These are cool. |
27s | - Scoot over a little bit. |
27s | - Ah. |
29s | (light music) |
32s | - Yeah I wonder when we did this. |
32s | - You're nasty. |
33s | - This is awkward. |
35s | (light music) |
36s | - [Woman] How we met. |
37s | - [Man] Okay. |
38s | - How we met? |
38s | Let's see. |
39s | - You wanna go? |
40s | - Who are you (laughs)? |
42s | - We met in class, right? |
44s | - In college. |
45s | - Lot of mutual experiences, and mutual friends. |
47s | - Tole and I don't actually remember how we met (laughs). |
49s | - Yeah, that's, that's true, I don't know. |
51s | - Started hanging out and then we moved to Los Angeles. |
55s | - Hey. |
56s | - Hey how's it going? - Hello. |
57s | - So I'm Chris. |
57s | - Hi, nice to meet you. |
58s | - Caesar right? |
59s | Caesar, hi Caesar. |
60s | - Amanda. |
61s | - Amanda, pleasure to meet you. |
62s | To be honest with you, this isn't the only reason |
63s | we've asked you here to share the story |
64s | of how you know each other. |
66s | I'm a body language expert. |
67s | All truth be told, I was analyzing your body language. |
70s | - Really? |
71s | - Yeah (laughs). |
72s | - That's whack. |
73s | - So we can speak a little bit about |
75s | some of what I watched, what I noticed. |
77s | Awesome, is that cool? |
78s | - I love that, that's great. - Awesome. |
78s | - You alright with that? |
79s | Alright. |
80s | First of all, I just want to point out to both |
81s | of you Stephanies that you're both |
83s | in what's called kind of a closed circle here. |
85s | Your kind of both crossed your legs over to the inside. |
87s | - [Stephanie] Yeah. |
88s | - So you're creating this kind of bond between you |
91s | just simply to the visual image that we're seeing. |
93s | This, this sitting posture, look even how like you sit, |
95s | and then you had your arm over and around. |
97s | This is a gesture of kind of like support and strength. |
100s | So what you're sitting right now Caesar, |
101s | this is called the figure four sitting posture. |
104s | It's a power, intelligence, taking up space. |
108s | This is like your area. |
109s | - Yeah. |
110s | - It's literally a commandeered this area, |
111s | this is your area, and you're protecting Amanda here |
114s | with your arm around her. |
115s | We have three power zones. |
116s | Neck dimple, belly button, and our naughty bits. |
119s | I don't know what else to to call the last. |
121s | - Fair enough. |
122s | - But bottom-line is, the more open we are with those, |
124s | the more powerful we come across. |
125s | When we're doing this, or we're doing this, |
127s | or we're doing this. |
128s | If I do this, then I'm, I'm you know I'm |
131s | diminishing my own power. |
133s | Amanda, you're doing something very cool like, |
134s | when he was talking you've turned toward him. |
137s | You've literally have faced your |
138s | belly button towards Caesar, |
140s | and we face our belly button toward people we like, |
142s | admire, and trust. |
143s | We call it the belly button rule, |
145s | so you've very much given him your attention. |
148s | So Jasmine you do something very interesting too, |
149s | when you talk, you do what's called |
151s | a basketball steeple, right? |
153s | So everybody do this. |
155s | This is a power, this is a power move called a steeple. |
158s | It's power, authority, and control. |
160s | But it's terrible for building rapport. |
162s | So we wanna stay open. |
163s | You do the best of both worlds. |
165s | You're, you do this basketball steeple. |
167s | President Obama does this, Tim Cook, |
169s | Apple will do this, right? |
171s | (group laughs) |
172s | And so you do this a lot when you talk. |
174s | So it's power, authority, and control but with compassion. |
176s | Not only do you talk about it, |
177s | but we see it in your body language. |
179s | - That's great. |
180s | - Cool. - Thank you. |
181s | - Thanks. |
182s | - You're welcome. - Good to meet you. |
183s | - Thank you, so grateful to meet you guys. |
184s | - Thank you. |
185s | - I just learned a lot about myself. |
186s | - Yeah (laughs). |
187s | - Yeah whenever you're like super passionate about something |
189s | you always talk with your hands like this. |
190s | You really always do that. |
191s | - Yeah but I didn't realize I did that. |
193s | - Yeah. |
193s | - I didn't know that I just, you know I do it, |
195s | and she sits the way she sits or whatever, but I mean. |
197s | - Yeah that was kind of cool. |
198s | - But it makes sense. |
199s | - I know this about myself that I tend to cover my neck. |
202s | - Yeah, I do that. |
203s | - And I have no idea that it was, I was covering my power. |
206s | - It never hurts to ask like if somebody's |
208s | like really okay. |
209s | - Yeah. |
210s | - Or if they're like, feeling something else |
211s | other than what they're showing. |
213s | - I'm like, flabbergasted, but it's really cool. |
217s | - Yeah. |
218s | - So the next time we get in a fight, |
219s | I can use those things (laughs). |
222s | - It's good to be here with you, |
224s | and let's do it again sometime. |
229s | ♫ Soul Pancake. |
231s | (electronic music) |