0s | Hello friends! So today I wanted to talk and ask you guys about what is it that makes a good friend? |
5s | I found some really good videos here on YouTube which I definitely that you should check out |
9s | so I'll be sure to show you those later on |
11s | Now, I've realized over the time that I've been on this earth that friends do in fact come and go |
16s | But they certainly make the world keep spinning, making life fun and a lot happier with them in it |
21s | I certainly couldn't have got through school, college, and other hurdles that life does throw at you |
27s | without having some good friends |
28s | So here's what I think makes a good friend |
35s | So you know you've got a good friend when you can fully be yourself around someone |
38s | It doesn't matter if you're a little bit weird or maybe a little bit goofy |
41s | You shouldn't have to change yourself to please your friend |
43s | They should be accepting you for who you are |
47s | Why are you doing that? It's really weird, can you stop? - Yeah, sorry |
55s | Look! Look at this! God! |
60s | Respecting someone definitely makes a brilliant friend |
63s | They should accept the decisions you make and be totally cool with it |
66s | You certainly shouldn't be made to feel bad for something that you feel uncomfortable doing |
71s | So, we're all going ice skating this weekend, it's gonna be so cool. You're coming, right? |
75s | I don't actually like ice skating. I'm like Bambi: uncoordinated |
79s | Really? Wow, okay, well you used to so much more fun. We're gonna have loads of fun without you |
86s | We're going ice skating this weekend, it's gonna be so cool. You're coming, right? |
90s | Don't really like ice skating. I'm like Bambi: very uncoordinated |
94s | Aw, we're gonna miss you. Next time we'll do something that you enjoy doing too. -Thanks |
101s | There is nothing worse than talking to a brick wall |
103s | A good friend will listen to you and engage in conversation. They'll actually care about what you're saying |
108s | Just as you would listen to them, they should listen to you too. It's a two-way street, my friends |
113s | I don't think Roxy likes me anymore and it's really starting to get me down |
117s | Hello? - Yeah. - You're not listening to a word I'm saying, are you? |
121s | I won the lottery, by the way. - Cool |
125s | So I don't think Roxy likes me anymore and it's really starting to get me down |
130s | I'm sure that's not the case at all. You're great |
132s | Yeah I hope not. Yeah you're probably right. Thank you |
137s | Now, this is probably one of the most important qualities to find in a friend |
141s | Trust is like the cement of a friendship, the roots of a tree |
144s | Ok, I will stop. But you get the point. |
146s | You want to be able to confide in a good friend without them spilling all of your deepest and darkest secrets |
151s | So, you know that boy that I told you I liked? |
153s | Well, he looked at me again today. |
155s | No, I told Sasha and she reckons that he just stares at everybody |
159s | You... you told Sasha? Why would you do that? |
163s | Wow, calm down, it's not like you said it was a secret |
166s | So, you know that boy that I told you I liked? |
168s | Well, he looked at me again today. |
169s | Woo, exciting! Do you want a bit of a wink next time? - Oh my god |
174s | You want someone that you cannot only just trust but someone that will be 100% honest with you |
179s | I mean, honesty after all is the best policy |
183s | So, do you think this outfit looks OK? |
185s | Yeah, um, it looks really good. Honestly, it looks great |
189s | Fair enough, thanks |
191s | Do you think this outfit looks OK? |
193s | Um, honestly, I think you should try something else |
195s | Maybe that new top that you bought |
197s | Mhm, yeah, that's actually not a bad idea |
199s | You also want a friend that will tell you when you've got lipstick on your teeth |
202s | or if you've got food around your mouth |
203s | Seriously why does nobody ever point those things out to you? |
206s | Now, before you run away I would quickly like to mention Rise Above |
209s | which is a really really cool website which is there to help young people such as yourselves |
213s | because growing up can be pretty tough and challenging at times |
216s | so definitely go and check out their website which you will be able to find below |
219s | And not forgetting those videos which I did mention earlier |
222s | because there are some seriously good ones which are floating around this internet space |
225s | One of my favorites is by the lovely Carry Fletcher where she discusses where you stand with people |
230s | and the other one is by Alfie Days and Mr. Louis Cole |
233s | They discuss making friends and coping with peer pressure |
236s | These two videos you should definitely definitely go and check that out, they are very very good |
240s | There are so many more awesome videos which I definitely think you guys should go and check out |
243s | Rise Above have kindly put a playlist together so the link to that will be in the description |
247s | You should definitely definitely go and check that out before you go |
250s | And last but not least, if you enjoyed this video then don't forget to give it a Like |
253s | Also, I would like to know down in the comments what you think makes a good friend |
258s | What qualities of a friend do you look for in someone? |
261s | I hope you're all having a really good day and I will see you next time. Bye! |