Max talks about his past, when he worked in a restaurant! Was it good or bad?! 3 stories of horrible customers!
I worked in restaurants on and off!
Pick the correct answer
"On and off" means it happened...
I worked in different positions.
The positions I worked in included as a waiter, as a supervisor, as a manager and as a maitre d'.
It was a love/hate relationship.
What was the worst thing about the job?
Rude customers!
Story time!
Rude customer number 1
The one who didn't listen to me.
Rude customer number 2
The one who threw a menu at me.
Rude customer number 3
The one who didn't want to pay for ANYTHING.
Max's restaurant rules!
If you finish it, you should probably pay for it.
Pick the correct answer
If don't like the food and you don't want to eat it, you should...
Don't lose your temper at the waiter. It's probably not their fault.
Pick the correct answer
What does 'lose your temper' mean...
Don't lose your temper at the waiter. It's probably not their fault.
"Don't shoot the messenger."
Listen to the advice of the waiter.
Pick the correct answer
You can say "listen to their advice". You can also say...
Avoid saying: "This was disgusting!"
Say: "I didn't enjoy this."
Avoid saying: "The service was terrible/rubbish etc."
Say: "The service was slow."
Avoid saying: "I won't pay"
Say: "Could we be compensated in some way?"
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Full Video Duration:
15 minutes
over 3 years ago
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