I am from Berlin.
I am from New York.
I am from London.
Type your answer
Where are you from?
What do you do?
I go to university.
I work at an office.
I am a doctor.
When did you move to Berlin/New York/Barcelona?
I moved to Berlin last year.
I moved to New York two years ago.
I moved to Barcelona last month.
Do you like it here?
Yes, I like it here.
I am not sure if I like it here.
No, I don't like it here.
What do you do in your free time?
I read a lot of books.
I hang out with my friends.
I go shopping.
Type your answer
What do you do in your free time?
Quiz Time!
Pick the correct answer
Which is correct?
Pick the correct answer
Which is correct?
Pick the correct answer
Which is correct?
Pick the correct answer
Which is correct?
Pick the correct answer
Which is correct?
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Full Video Duration:
11 minutes
about 3 years ago
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