Can you tell the difference between "annoy" and "bother"?
"It bothers me that he is always late."
"It annoys me that it is always late."
"It bothers me that he is always late."
"It annoys me that it is always late."
Pick the correct answer
Which do you think is a stronger emotion?
"bother" has multiple meanings
"I feel a bit hot and bothered."
"I can't be bothered to get out of bed."
"I feel a bit hot and bothered."
"I can't be bothered to get out of bed."
to annoy
He was trying to annoy her, by flicking elastic bands at her over and over again.
to be annoyed
"He said he came up with my idea in the meeting and I feel pretty annoyed to be honest..."
"bother" feels slightly more general than "annoy"
"the heat is bothering me"
doesn't have as angry a feeling
"the heat is annoying me"
sounds like the heat is really making you angry
"My little brother is annoying me"
sounds like the little brother is doing something over and over again, to knowingly annoy
"My little brother is bothering me"
sounds more like the little brother is unintentionally disturbing someone, while they are doing something else
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about 3 years ago
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