On this stream, I'll give you some tips on how to increase you Spanish vocabulary.
1. Sigue un calendario de palabras
Follow a word calendar
la Real Academia Española
la palabra del día
word of the day
2. Ponte metas semanales
Set weekly objectives
vocabulario de cocina
3. Lee lo más que puedas
read as much as you can
4. Escribe notas
write on post-its
5. Crea mapas mentales
Create mind maps
6. Crea asociaciones al azar
Create (random) associations between words
la bandera
the flag
Antonio Banderas
el Gato con botas
Puss in boots
la princesa Fiona
princess Fiona
el castillo
the castle
Type your answer
Can you remember what today's palabra del día was?
Type your answer
What does la bandera mean?
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Full Video Duration:
13 minutes
about 3 years ago
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