Quiz Time! Turtles are amazing animals. 🐢Let's find out some interesting and fun facts about them with a True or False quiz.
Pick the correct answer
Turtles already existed when dinosaurs were alive.
Turtles already existed 200 million years ago - WOW!
Pick the correct answer
Turtles can get very old.
Turtles can live very long lives.
10 - 100+ years
Pick the correct answer
Turtles can leave their shell.
A turtle cannot come out of its shell.
Pick the correct answer
Some turtles lay their eggs on land, some lay them in the water.
All turtles lay their eggs on land.
Pick the correct answer
A turtle's gender is decided by temperature.
A turtle's gender is decided by temperature
gender = male, female
Pick the correct answer
All turtles are vegetarians.
Some turtles are vegetarians
Some turtles are carnivores
Most turtles are omnivores
Pick the correct answer
Turtles get lost easily.
Turtles have a built in compass.
Pick the correct answer
Turtles can drown.
In general, turtles can hold their breath for 30 minutes.
Loggerhead turtles can stay underwater for 10 hours!
Type your answer
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Full Video Duration:
17 minutes
about 3 years ago
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