Join Alex as she shares the top 5 American New Year's resolutions of 2021. Will they be very different for 2022?
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Do you make New Year's resolutions?
Pursuing a career ambition
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What does "pursuing a career ambition" mean? It's a resolution to ___
Improving my diet
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What does "improving my diet" mean? It's a resolution to ___
Save more money
Losing weight
Exercising more or improving my fitness
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Improving my fitness means that you want to be ___
Resolution makers, resolution keepers?
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Do you keep your New Year's resolutions? Or do you just make them?
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If you make resolutions every year, are there some that repeat?
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What is one of your New Year's resolutions for 2022?
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Full Video Duration:
17 minutes
about 3 years ago
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