There's much more to a movie than shooting it. What happens before the camera rolls? Tune in and find out.
All about pre-production.
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To lock the script means to ___.
Script breakdown
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Budgeting the film means planning out ___.
Effective budgeting can help you save money and time (the two most limited resources in filmmaking) when shooting your project.
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What do you call all the people working for the movie?
Pre-production is the time to hire the key film crew members for your production team, like the director, cinematographer (known as the director of photography), casting director, costume designer, production manager, etc.
Shooting schedule
Intense planing stage for all departments!
During this time, the casting director auditions actors for all the roles according to the script breakdown and the director’s notes.
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Chemistry reads are auditions ___ .
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Another word for the actors in the film is ___.
All About The Movies 🎬 Production
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Full Video Duration:
16 minutes
about 3 years ago
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