An old man had three sons and a goat which told lies all day,
so the father threw out his three sons one by one.
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„Ich bin so satt, ich mag kein Blatt! Mäh! Mäh!“
Every brother does an apprenticeship: the first one becomes a carpenter, receives as a reward a magic table
that brings up the most delicious food over and over again.
An innkeeper sees this, swaps the table for a regular one
and when the son presents his father the assumed magic - nothing happens.
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„Tischlein, deck dich!“
The second son became a miller, revives a donkey as a reward that produces gold, out of the mouth and behind.
The same innkeeper sees this, swaps the donkey for a regular one and when the son is supposed to pay the bill - nothing happens.
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Das Wort ist „Bricklebrit!“
The third son became a wood turner, receives as a reward a sack with a cudgel in it that will beat up people on his command by itself.
He receives letters from his brothers telling their misfortune.
And when the innkeeper tries to steal the sack, the third brother brings the cudgel to life and gets back the table as well as the donkey.
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„Knüppel, aus dem Sack!“
when showing the father all of this he is delighted and they life happily ever after
And if they haven't died yet, they live on today still.
Tischlein, deck dich!
Was ist auf dem Tisch?
Auf dem Tisch sind ...
das Brot, der Lauch, der Käse, der Schinken, der Kohlrabi, die Zwiebeln, der Rettich,
die Nüsse, die Zitrone, der Wein und die Erdbeeren.
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„Tischlein, deck dich!“ Was hast du dir gemerkt?
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„Tischlein, deck dich!“ What was not on the table?
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What were the words for the table?
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What was the word for the donkey?
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What are the words for the cudgel?
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What did the goat say?
In the meantime, the goat had crept into an animal's den, frightened a fox and a bear,
and was only able to be driven away by a bee that stung her head.
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Full Video Duration:
19 minutes
about 3 years ago
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