Which of these situations describes "to make fun of someone"...
a slap in the face
Pick the correct answer
Which of these describes "a slap in the face", when talking about insults/comments?
a cheap shot
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What is an example of a "cheap shot"?
a backhanded compliment
“Your Instagram makes you seem so fun!”
“I love how you don't care how you come across”
“You’re so charming when you make an effort”
Pick the correct answer
What is an example of "a backhanded compliment"?
to have a go at (someone)
Pick the correct answer
When might someone say "stop having a go at me!!"?
to take the mick out of (someone or something)
"When his football mates found out he was a big Celine Dion fan, they all took the mick out of him".
to make fun of
a slap in the face
a cheap shot
a backhanded compliment
to have a go at (someone)
to take the mick out of (someone or something)
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12 minutes
almost 3 years ago
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