Q&A #9
Q&A #9
with Amandine
3. Elementary
In that Q&A session, Amandine answered 8 of your questions: - 1:01 > The difference between "je suis désolé" and "j'en suis désolé" - 3:05 > The difference between "un jour" and "une journée" - 5:00 > What's the use of "se" and can it be used in the passive form - 7:09 > Is the French language gendered - 9:51 > Is there a difference between the pronounciation of "il nage" and "ils nagent" - 12:25 > Is there a difference between "Prochaine question" ou "question suivante" - 12:55 > The difference between "n’importe quoi" and "n’importe qui" - 15:06 > How to form questions in French - 16:23 > Advice to rent a flat in France - 18:13 > The difference between "convainquant" and "convaincant" - 23:29 > "Bref" and other filler words
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Full Video Duration: 26 minutes
Aired: about 2 years ago