Q&A #10
Q&A #10
with Amandine
3. Elementary
In that Q&A session, Amandine answered 10 of your questions: - 0:40 > Some daily words and idioms used by French people - 3:04 > How to progress from level B1 to level B2 - 5:35 > The difference between "j'ai faim" and "je suis faim" - 6:34 > The difference between "qui" and "que" - 12:00 > How to say "housewarming party" in French and what to bring as a gift - 15:55 > How many languages does she speak - 18:38 > What is her favorite place in Paris - 20:50 > How to ask for gluten free dishes in French restaurants - 23:01 > Do the French get annoyed if you speak French too slowly? - 25:51 > Are dogs welcome in the city in France?
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Full Video Duration: 27 minutes
Aired: about 2 years ago