Q&A #16
Q&A #16
with Amandine
3. Elementary
In that Q&A session, Amandine answered 13 of your questions: - 0:38 > Meeting the Streamers in Berlin in June - 1:48 > The difference between "avoir envie de" and "avoir l'air de" - 3:39 > The difference between "décider" and "se décider" - 7:47 > The pronunciation of "cours" and "cœur" - 9:02 > The place of "prochain·e", before or after the noun? - 13:05 > The difference between "après-midi" and "aprem" - 13:25 > The difference between "autant pour moi" and "au temps pour moi" - 14:38 > Streams about French films - 16:25 > Alternatives to "enchanté·e" - 17:50 > How to start a conversation with French people - 19:42 > The difference between "là" and "là-bas" - 22:43 > The difference between "pas loin" and "non loin" - 23:30 > The difference between "amusant" and "drôle"
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Full Video Duration: 24 minutes
Aired: almost 2 years ago