Is "wicked" a good thing or a bad thing in 90s slang?
Take a chill pill!
Talk to the hand!
Differences between the 1990s and now.
Practical differences
Back in the 90s...
We weren't bombarded with information all the time.
Pick the correct answer
What do you think "bombarded" means?
The introduction of the internet.
4 TV channels
If you heard about other countries, it was usually on the news.
The music, movies and culture we enjoyed, was decided for us a lot more.
Making plans was very different.
Even looking for hotels was different!
Travel agents or guidebooks.
Modern technology allows people to be a bit more flaky.
Pick the correct answer
In this context, what could "flaky" mean?
Generally, things took longer.
You'd have to leave your house to rent a video or read a new book.
It is easier to make plans now, than it was in the 90s, but it is also easier to change plans now than it was in the 90s.
Things were a bit simpler, but there was also less choice.
Pick the correct answer
Which is correct?
A less negative perception of the world.
negative perception
seeing things in a negative way
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Full Video Duration:
20 minutes
over 2 years ago
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