On this stream I will teach you the names in Spanish for everything that's in a first aid kit.
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What do you think it’s the most important thing to have in a first aid kit?
Botiquín de primeros auxilios / Botiquín
First Aid Kit
la(s) curita(s)
la venda
Roll bandage
la gasa
los guantes
las tijeras
el algodón
el termómetro
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Before you touch a wound, you need ____.
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This tool helps you to measure the temperature in your body.
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Pablo cut a bit of his finger cutting tomatoes, he needs _____.
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Carla used a _____ to bind up her wound.
Es una emergencia.
It is an emergency.
Necesito un doctor.
I need a doctor.
Duele mucho.
It hurts a lot.
Mi herida está sangrando.
My wound is bleeding.
Pick the correct answer
El ____ de primeros auxilios
Pick the correct answer
¡Ayuda! Es una ____.
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In order to cut, you may need ____.
Pick the correct answer
¡____ mucho 😭!
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Full Video Duration:
22 minutes
about 2 years ago
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