What do you think of when you hear "Greek Life"? Have you seen sororities and fraternities in movies? What are your impressions?
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If you went to college/university, what kind of clubs or organisations did you join? Have you joined any community clubs before?
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Have you heard of sororities and fraternities?
-1775 first fraternity Phi Beta Kappa
-Secret societies (encryption)
-Distinguish as an intellectual club (Greece's rich history)
1. Secrecy
2. Single-sex membership
3. Rushing/Pledging - Membership Selection
4. Property where students live / meet
5. Symbols - letters, badges, hand signs, hand shakes, passwords, flowers, colours
VOCAB: Alumni/Alumnae
Initiated fraternity or sorority members who have graduated from college.
A local group of the larger (inter)national organization, designated by a special Greek name.
The brother or sister, son or daughter, or grandson or granddaughter of a fraternity or sorority member. Each (inter)national organization has its own policy regarding legacies.
The formal ceremony that marks the beginning of active membership. Each chapter has a different set of requirements in order to be initiated.
A charitable fundraiser or service project sponsored by a fraternity or sorority.
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Have you seen any of these movies?
Rich Kids
Partying all the time
All about image
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Sorority/fraternity membership lasts...
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You must have ____ to stay in a sorority/fraternity.
Why did I join?
Leadership skills
Supportive/social network
Community service
Sports teams
Academic performance
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Do you have any questions about "Greek Life"?
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Would you join a sorority or fraternity?
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Full Video Duration:
28 minutes
about 2 years ago
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