Let's talk about the best pickup lines. Sure, they're cheesy, corny, and cute, but in the end, they're all funny and a few are hilarious. And hey, sometimes that's all you need to break the ice.
A pickup line is a planned effort (which usually doesn’t work) to start a conversation with a stranger in romantic pursuit of them.
-Since 1600s to pick (someone) up has been used as slang for having a casual encounter.
-The term pickup line spread in the 80's and 90's associated with men's ill-advised efforts to talk to women at bars.
-In the 2000s they start to be used in social media and online dating
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What's the best way to meet a significant other?
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Let's keep going! How about these?
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Ok... a few more!
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Do you think pickup lines work?
1. Be assertive, not aggressive
2. Avoid the "D" word if uncertain
3. Do it in private
4. Offer an easy out
5. Be straightforward
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Full Video Duration:
28 minutes
over 2 years ago
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