An Adjective is a word that describes a noun or noun phrase or pronoun and provides more information. Did you know there are 8 different types of adjectives? Let's practice!
Describes a noun or noun phrase or pronoun and provides more information.
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What are some adjectives you would use to describe yourself? I am a(n) ____ person.
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What are some adjectives to describe where you live? I live in a(n) _______ place.
There was a deafening roar as the rocket ship blasted off.
Very Poor = Destitute
He grew up in a destitute family that barely had enough food to eat.
Very Painful = Excruciating
I have an excruciating headache. I can’t even think straight.
Very Damaging/Upsetting = Devastating
The town was destroyed by a devastating flood.
(very physically damaging)
They received the devastating news that their son was in a coma.
(very emotionally upsetting)
Very Beautiful = Gorgeous
Wow, those flowers are absolutely gorgeous!
After he lost weight, he started dating a gorgeous woman.
“Gorgeous” is usually used for women, not men, and for objects/places/scenery.
Type your answer
Write a sentence using one of the previous 5 words: deafening, excruciating, destitute, devastating, gorgeous.
Very Busy = Swamped
I have five major projects to finish by the end of this week – I’m totally swamped.
Very Crowded = Packed
The stores were packed on the day before Christmas – everyone was doing last-minute shopping.
Very Happy/Excited = Thrilled
Joanna’s parents were thrilled to hear that she’d won a full scholarship to college.
Very Shocking/Scary = Horrific/Horrifying
Fifty people were badly injured in a horrific accident at the factory.
The prospect of a nuclear war is horrifying.
Very Amazing = Mind-Blowing
Modern medical technology is mind-blowing – they can even operate on a baby before it’s born.
Type your answer
Write a sentence with one (or more) of these adjectives: swamped, packed, thrilled, horrific/horrifying, mind-blowing
Very Fortunate = Miraculous
This book tells the story of Henry’s miraculous escape from a war-torn country.
Very Brave = Fearless
He fearlessly walked into his boss’ office and asked for a big raise.
Very Ridiculous = Absurd/Preposterous
That book contains some preposterous theories that go against the scientific consensus.
The store won’t give you a refund even though it was their mistake? That’s absurd!
Very Unimportant/Silly = Frivolous
If you want to save money, you have to avoid making frivolous purchases like buying candy at the supermarket checkout.
Very Perfect = Impeccable
His academic record is impeccable and she’s at the top of her class.
Type your answer
Write a sentence with some adjectives: miraculous, fearless, absurd/preposterous, frivolous, impeccable
Very Nervous = Jittery
Most people are jittery on a first date – try to relax and just be yourself.
Very Remarkable = Outstanding
The results of the educational program were outstanding. More than 1,000 children were able to improve their grades.
Very Respected = Prestigious
My internship at a prestigious law firm was a great start to my career.
Very Sincere = Heartfelt
He made a heartfelt speech expressing his gratitude.
Very Important = Vital
It's vital to pay attention to the road while driving.
Type your answer
Please write a sentence with... jittery, outstanding, prestigious, heartfelt, vital
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