Let's properly break down the German you learn in guide books!
Guten Morgen!
Guten Tag!
Guten Abend!
Gute Nacht!
[Guten] [Morgen]!
[Good] [morning]!
Ich heiße Max!
Pick the correct answer
What does "heißen" mean?
[Ich] [heiße] [Max]
[I] [am called] [Max]
Wie geht es dir?
Wie geht's?
Pick the correct answer
What does "gehen" mean?
[Wie] [geht] [es] [dir]?
[How] [goes] [it] [for you]?
Ich möchte ein Bier, bitte.
Pick the correct answer
What does "möchten" mean?
[Ich] [möchte] [ein] [Bier], [bitte].
[I] [would like] [a] [beer], [please].
Sprechen Sie Englisch?
Pick the correct answer
What does "Sie" with a capital "S" mean?
[Sprechen] [Sie] [Englisch]?
[Speak] [you (formal)] [English]?
Schön, dich kennenzulernen!
Pick the correct answer
"kennenzulernen" means...
jemanden kennenlernen
[Schön], [dich] [kennenzulernen]!
[Lovely], [you] [to get to know]!
Bis später!
Bis bald!
Bis morgen!
Pick the correct answer
"später, bald, morgen" = ___
[Bis] [später]!
[Until] [later]!
Woher kommst du?
Pick the correct answer
"Woher" means...
[Woher] [kommst] [du]?
[From where] [come] [you]?
Es tut mir leid.
I'm sorry.
Pick the correct answer
What does "tut" mean?
[Es] [tut] [mir] [leid]!
[It] [causes] [for me] [sorrow]!
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Full Video Duration:
16 minutes
over 2 years ago
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