Rites of passage and coming of age. What traditions are there in your country?
Change or growth in life
Ritual event marking transition to adulthood
Initiation through sports, fraternities, religion
1. Separation
2. Transition
3. Reincorporation
A way to support, honour, and celebrate children who are stepping into adolescents or teenagers moving into adulthood
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At what age do people come-of-age in your country? When they are no longer considered a minor/young person. If not listed, tell us in the chat.
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Do you have an example of a rite of passage from your country?
Latin America: Quinceañera
-When a girl reaches 156
-Religious and social affair
-Begins with mass (church)
-Reception is held
-Traditions: gifting porcelain doll to a younger sister, wearing flats to high heels
Tanzania and Kenya: The Maasai
-Once every 5 years in the tribe
-Elders bless young by spraying with milk and beer
-Males 9-15 painted with ochre (red clay)
-Future group leaders have extensive white patterns
-Traditional blanket, black sandals, colourful beads and bracelets
North Baffin Island: Inuit
-Inuit island in Canada
-Ages 11-12 go into wilderness with father
-Test hunting skills and learn to adapt to harsh arctic weather
-Initially just boys, but now girls participate too
-Learn, practice, and preserve the cultural traditions of the tribe
Jewish Communities: Bar and Bat Mitzvahs
Age 13: Bar Mitzvah (boys) & Bat Mitzvah (girls)
Weeks of preparation and practice
Memorisation of commandments of the Torah
Official ceremony and initiation at the synagogue with the Rabbi
Huge reception with family and friends
Philippines: Debut
Girl's coming of age at 18
Grand ball with family and friends
Entourage of 18 people to perform dances with
Program: 18 candles & 18 roses
Gifts: 18 to help reach her goals in life
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Which coming-of-age ceremony would you like to witness?
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Do you consider yourself more traditional or modern?
What rituals can mean for us today...
Blueprint for changes to take place
Establish security and stability
World of uncertainty
Vanuatu: Land Divers
-Small island nation in the South Pacific
-Inspired bungee jumping
-Start at around 7 or 8 and work up to a 98 foot tower
United States: Sweet 16
-Legally permitted to drive at 16
-Over-the-top party and maybe a car
-MTV show My Super Sweet 16
Brazilian Amazon: Bullet Ant Initiation
-Boys in the Sateré-Mawé tribe at 13
-Search the jungle for bullet ants
-Sedate the ants and weave into gloves
-When the ants wake up the boy has to wear the glove for 10 minutes
Amish: Rumspringa
-From 16 can have unsupervised weekends away
-Encouraged to drink, wear modern clothing
-See and experience the world beyond their culture
-Must return to the community by 26
Ethiopia: Cattle Jumping
-Hamar tribe in the Omo Valley
-Young boys (12 to 16) take part in a 3-day ceremony
-Run across the backs of cattle
-Prove they are grown up enough to have a family
Pick the correct answer
Which one sounds the most interesting to you?
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32 minutes
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