Not really one sport more like 3! We look at what a triathlon is, the history of it and the various skills needed to be a pro.
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A Triathlon is made up of running swimming and cycling but in what order must they be completed in?
A brief History of Triathlons.
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Where and when did Triathlon originate?
Swimming in a Triathlon.
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Name a technique area that should be focused on when swimming.
Cycling in Triathlon.
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It is advised when cycling in a triathlon to use a...
Running in Triathlon.
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What equipment is required to run in a Triathlon?
Different Triathlon distances.
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How far is the run in an Ironman Triathlon?
Transitioning in Triathlon.
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T2 or transition number 2 is where you change from...
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Full Video Duration:
28 minutes
over 2 years ago
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