Learn everything you need to do your chores in Spanish ;)
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How do you say "household chores" in Spanish?
los turnos de limpieza
to clean
limpieza del baño
el baño
el váter/la vasija
la escobilla
toilet brush
pasar la aspiradora
la escobilla
toilet brush
el váter/la vasija
la escobilla
toilet brush
pasar la aspiradora
to suck up
pasar la aspiradora
to use the sucking up machine
to suck up
pasar la aspiradora
to use the sucking up machine
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What can "pasar la aspiradora" be?
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To clean up the dust, you have to:
sacar la basura
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What does 'la basura' mean?
lavar y guardar los platos
los platos
What do "lavar" and "guardar" mean?
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Lavar has to do with water, so it means...
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"Guardar" means...
poner la lavadora
to wash
la lavadora
Quiz Time
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What is the word for "to clean"?
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Can you remember the word for vacuum cleaner?
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How do you say "to clean the bathroom"?
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If you have to clean the dust, you have to limpiar...
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What was the word for "trash"?
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Try to write a complete sentence: Tengo que lavar y guardar...
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How would you say "to clean" in Spanish?
¿Cuántas veces a la semana limpias tu hogar?
¿Qué hace el oso?
aspirar - pasar la aspiradora
Cuando hay mucha basura en tu casa, debes...
Para lavar tu ropa usas la ____.
¿Cuántas veces a la semana sacas la basura?
¿Cada cuánto usas la lavadora?
¿Qué hace el oso?
Lavaplatos - Dishwasher
¿Te gusta hacer las tareas del hogar?
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Full Video Duration:
2.0 hours
about 2 years ago
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