a thorough cleaning of a house or room, typically undertaken in spring.
to wash
Pick the correct answer
If you "wash" something it normally means you are using ___.
to polish
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After polishing something it should....
to polish
to throw away
to throw away
Pick the correct answer
What is better to do with old toys?
to dust
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What do you use to "sweep"?
to sweep
to organize
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What CAN'T you organize?
I'm organizing my papers.
to declutter
Pick the correct answer
What is clutter?
a collection of things lying about in an untidy state.
to declutter
Pick the correct answer
Which room is at the top of the house?
to store
-store it in the attic
-store them under the bed
-store them in the cellar/basement
Pick the correct answer
Are you going to do some spring cleaning this year?
to wash
to polish
to throw away
to dust
to sweep
to organize
to declutter
to store
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Full Video Duration:
17 minutes
about 2 years ago
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