A lot of
Lots of
Plenty of
A great deal of
A large number of
A lot of...
It takes a lot of time to learn a language fluently.
Lots of...
Lots of people speak English as a second language.
Pick the correct answer
Which is more formal?
Plenty of...
more than you need
There is plenty of toilet paper in the storage room.
A great deal of...
a bigger number than you expect
I have a great deal of respect for anyone who works in the medical field.
A large number of...
a number you cannot ignore/a significant amount
A large number of people have never been outside of their own country.
A little...
A few...
expresses a small number/quantity
Just a few sausages please.
Just a little sugar please.
There is a little milk left in the fridge.
He finds few reasons to like her... if any!
Just a few sausages please.
Just a little sugar please.
There is a little milk left in the fridge.
He finds few reasons to like her... if any!
Pick the correct answer
Which is correct?
neither a lot, nor a little
I have some friends who have been to Ibiza, and they loved it.
Use "any" in questions to ask if someone has something.
Do you have any children?
Are there any chips left?
Use SOME if requesting or offering.
"Would you like some tea?"
"I would love some tea."
"We don't have any time left."
"There aren't any monkeys in this zoo."
Any is used for negative sentences to say something doesn't exist.
Pick the correct answer
Which sounds better?
you are satisfied with the amount
There are enough seats for everyone to sit.
Not enough
you are not satisfied with the amount
There is not enough food for everyone! It's a disaster!
Pick the correct answer
Which makes more sense?
when talking about a specific group of people/something
"Every child likes ice cream."
"Every person in the class learned the same thing."
Large amount of...
Big amount of...
Vast amount of...
Huge amount of...
I have a huge amount of work to do today!
Tiny amount of...
Small amount of...
Minuscule amount of...
I only have a tiny amount of time to get this all done!
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Full Video Duration:
21 minutes
about 2 years ago
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