The fastest fish is the sailfish, what is the slowest?
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How many teeth does an adult have?
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What do Americans call Autumn?
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What colour are the four stars on the flag of New Zealand?
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Which mountain range forms a natural border between France and Spain?
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In which sport are there playing positions called flanker, fly half and tight-head prop?
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In which country was Adolf Hitler born?
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Colombo is the largest city of which Asian country?
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For what is ‘the dunny’ an Australian slang term?
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Which Olympic sport takes place in a velodrome?
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A pug is a breed of which domestic pet?
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In terms of area, what is the largest country in South America?
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What item, useful in the rain, provided the title of a hit single of Rihanna?
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How many English monarchs have been called Edward?
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Brie and Camembert are types of which food?
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30 minutes
about 2 years ago
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