0s | I realized I wasn't coping at work but I |
7s | was in denial about that. I was in a |
10s | stressful job, I had a lot of |
12s | responsibilities, and my defense |
15s | mechanism was: "It'll just all - it'll all |
19s | pass along, continue what you're doing, it's |
22s | just a little bit of stress you're |
23s | experiencing, and it'll all pass in time. |
27s | With the depression, my thoughts were |
30s | very negative which is often the case |
34s | with depression. Everything in the world |
36s | is seen in a negative light. I was |
39s | feeling that I wasn't doing my job |
41s | |
43s | my self-esteem wasn't as high, |
47s | my confidence level had been affected, |
49s | decision-making where I would normally |
51s | make decisions and stick by them, I was |
54s | then questioning the decisions I was |
56s | making, "Was I making the right decision?" |
58s | which wasn't normally something I would |
59s | |
59s | Sleeping was affected; during the night I |
62s | would wake up ruminating, as we call it |
65s | in mental health terminology. All the |
68s | certain things, negative things, when I |
72s | was in a room with people in a meeting, I |
75s | was feeling very anxious, I was having |
78s | |
79s | sensations, so then I wonder whether |
82s | other people were noticing that in me, |
84s | you know the junior members of staff at |
85s | the time, were they realizing that I was |
88s | struggling with my emotions because of |
91s | the way I was behaving? Going to my |
94s | office, closing the door, and just hoping |
97s | that things would go away, but of course |
99s | it didn't go away. It just got worse. |
101s | The point when I realized that I needed |
103s | help was a meeting with my manager and |
109s | she could see that I was struggling to |
111s | deal with some of the issues we were |
112s | talking about. And she said, "Law, I don't |
117s | think you're well, basically. I think you |
119s | need to seek help." Deep down I knew that |
122s | anyway and it - but it probably took somebody |
125s | to say it after me and the manager |
128s | at the time was probably the right |
130s | |
132s | I started feeling a change probably after |
134s | about two weeks of taking the medication |
137s | so I then attributed that to the |
140s | medication. I felt right with most |
143s | antidepressant medications. It takes two |
145s | to three weeks to start having a |
147s | therapeutic effect so in my own mind I |
149s | knew that my - I was conscious my mood was |
152s | changing. I was enjoying things more and |
156s | I was - I was having less negative |
158s | |
158s | I wasn't feeling so negative about |
160s | myself and different things. So after |
163s | about two weeks, I noticed I was changing |
166s | and things were starting to improve. I |
168s | feel I've become a stronger person |
171s | because I took time off work and I |
173s | accepted what the problems were and I |
175s | dealt with them in the appropriate |
176s | manner and now I'm more insightful now |
180s | as to what keeps me well so I can spot |
183s | the trigger signs a lot sooner now and |
186s | I'll act upon them. If I feel I'm getting |
189s | stressed now, I know what to do in order |
191s | to to act upon that. Mental illness can |
193s | happen to one in four of the population |
195s | so if it can happen to me as a |
196s | psychiatric nurse, it can happen to |
198s | anybody. For more information, visit |
203s | |