0s | In 1979, IBM was making headlines by becoming one of the first Fortune 500 companies |
7s | to allow employees to work remotely. |
9s | That’s right, nearly 40 years ago the corporate giant adopted this modern outlook on work. |
16s | In fact, IBM found the practice to be so successful that by 2009 40% of their 386,000 employees |
25s | |
27s | Fast forward to 2017 — IBM tells its thousands of remote workers to relocate to an IBM office |
34s | |
37s | But what caused IBM to reverse a seemingly successful policy? |
40s | It was the belief that locating teams in the office would make them |
45s | more productive, innovative, and agile. |
48s | But is working from home really less effective than working from a traditional office? |
53s | According to Gallup, remote workers put in longer hours and are more productive than |
58s | |
60s | So why are we still debating this? |
62s | The truth is, for all of its benefits, working remotely can have its struggles — |
67s | typically in forming relationships and career development. |
71s | A recent Harvard Business Review study states that many remote workers feel like their non-remote |
76s | colleagues don’t treat them equally and don’t believe they fight for their priorities. |
81s | But the reality is that remote work is the future. |
86s | 51% of workers would change jobs for a role that offered them flextime and 37% would make |
93s | a move for a role that allowed them to work remotely at least part-time. |
96s | But perhaps the issue isn’t with remote work — |
100s | It’s how we manage and work with remote employees. |
103s | For managers and coworkers are to develop successful relationships with remote workers, |
109s | they all have to make changes. |
111s | No one likes to feel like they’re in the dark, so start by setting expectations. |
116s | Clear and honest communication is even more important for remote workers. |
121s | Remote employees don’t have the luxury of being able to swing by your desk to ask questions, |
126s | so be sure to schedule consistent check-ins. |
128s | Pick up the phone or connect over video to make the conversation more natural. |
134s | Have trust and confidence in your remote workers. |
138s | Just being in the office does not guarantee that an employee is being productive. |
142s | By changing your attitude and management style, you can make remote work work for your team. |