0s | In this era of fake news, it's more |
2s | important than ever, to distinguish between |
4s | fact and opinion. Look I've just got to say it, |
7s | This whole, fact versus opinion thing |
10s | has always seemed to me, to be a mess, |
12s | and here, i'm going to argue that the |
14s | |
15s | is an intellectual train wreck, that has |
18s | somehow crashed through our schools, |
20s | our punditry and even our pop culture. |
23s | I'm going to try to convince you that |
24s | |
26s | should be dropped from our cultural |
27s | |
32s | School teachers, talking heads on tv and |
35s | countless videos on YouTube, |
36s | all seem to agree, you've got to separate |
39s | |
41s | and it's always presented as something easy, |
43s | the sort of thing everyone should |
44s | |
46s | Hell, they teach fact versus opinion to |
47s | second graders, but i say there's nothing |
50s | |
51s | It's confusing and the reason it's confusing |
54s | is because the whole thing is a jumbled |
56s | |
58s | Let's take a look at Pixar's inside out, |
61s | reinforcing the standard fact opinion message. |
65s | We made it! We're finally gonna get home! |
69s | Oh no, these facts and opinions, look so similar. |
73s | |
74s | |
76s | Did you catch how Bing Bong throws all |
77s | the opinions into the fact box? |
79s | That's supposed to be funny, but I'm not sure I get it. |
83s | I have opinions and I think they're true. |
85s | I bet you think your opinions are true to. |
87s | If we didn't think they were true, |
89s | then we wouldn't hold those opinions, |
91s | and sure we make mistakes, but at least |
93s | some of our opinions have to be true. |
95s | So what exactly is wrong with Bing Bong |
98s | |
99s | in the fact box? Maybe it's not enough to be true. |
104s | A fact needs to be well supported, but first, |
107s | I'd want to hear more about what's so wrong with using fact |
110s | to just mean truth, and second i'm pretty |
113s | sure at least some of my true opinions |
115s | are well supported. So again, |
118s | I'm wondering, why a true |
119s | well-supported opinion, can't go in the fact box. |
123s | Remember, we've been told at nauseum, |
125s | it's important to separate fact from your opinion, |
128s | but what gives a fact this higher status? |
130s | Well, not that it's true and well supported, |
133s | if that were the criteria, |
135s | then we'd have to allow opinions into the fact box. |
138s | Now that was all pretty fast, |
140s | So let's start over and begin at the beginning. |
143s | |
146s | This time let's go to brainpop, |
148s | Dear Tim and Moby, my Dad says you can't |
151s | trust everything you see on the news, |
153s | because they mix facts and |
154s | |
156s | what does that mean? Sincerely, Lilli. |
159s | Thanks for writing in Lilli. |
161s | A fact is a statement that can be proven true or false. |