5s | As rent prices around the country continue to rise, more young people have been moving |
9s | into historically low-cost, inner-city communities. |
12s | Although this provides an affordable solution for incoming residents, it also leads to gentrification, |
18s | or the displacement of existing communities by wealthier newcomers . So is gentrification |
22s | |
25s | On average, first-wave gentrifiers are usually young, childless, college graduates. |
28s | Often, they’ll move nearer to their workplaces and public transit, and farther from the suburbs. |
34s | In the US, the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland reports that rapid gentrification has been |
38s | seen in cities like Washington DC, and Atlanta. |
41s | On the one hand, an influx of cash into previously poor areas tends to lead to an improvement |
46s | in the quality of life there. |
48s | Landlords and property owners are willing to invest more into their homes so as to increase |
52s | |
53s | Crime rates drop, and local businesses and governments generally see higher revenues. |
59s | Gentrification also eases the strain on infrastructure and public services, while lowering vacancy |
63s | |
64s | However, as the social and financial demographics of a low-income area change, the effects on |
69s | existing residents are mostly negative according to the ESRC Centre for Neighbourhood Research. |
74s | A sudden demand for housing raises rent costs, and without rent stabilization, many families |
78s | are unable to afford the inevitable increase. |
81s | This often leads to evictions, higher rates of homelessness, and increased housing demand |
86s | for still-affordable surrounding areas. |
90s | Gentrification also affects local businesses, as incomers have different standards and preferences. |
93s | As communities gentrify, locals tend to harbor resentments towards newcomers, going so far |
100s | as to protest, destroy property, and even physically attack new residents. |
104s | In San Francisco during the late 90s tech boom, an anti-gentrification group called |
109s | the Mission Yuppie Eradication Project, was responsible for slashing car tires, keying |
113s | expensive vehicles, breaking windows, and vandalism. |
117s | There are differing views on the role of gentrification in the way societies develop, and whether |
121s | or not this practice is ultimately beneficial or detrimental to a community. |
125s | Still, without significant opposition legislation, like rent control laws, or a decline in the |
130s | overall housing market, gentrification is an inescapable phenomenon as people seek out |
135s | |
137s | Race obviously plays a huge role in the picture, and it’s a generally touchy subject. |
141s | To learn about the White Privilege factor, check out this video from our friends at AJ+. |