2s | Hey guys, hope you are going well and |
4s | welcome back to another Foreign Film |
7s | Friday. Can you believe that this is the |
9s | final Foreign Film Friday for 2017? So |
13s | crazy. I know how much so many of you |
15s | appreciate my foreign film reviews and I |
18s | do love sharing with you the very best |
21s | and latest of foreign film releases and |
24s | hearing your opinions and discussions |
26s | and your suggestions for what to review |
28s | next. We have reviewed so many great |
30s | movies this year here on the Foreign |
34s | Film Friday segment but not everyone |
36s | finds foreign language movies or |
38s | non-English-speaking movies easy to get |
41s | into and it can be a daunting experience, |
43s | especially if you don't know where to |
45s | start. So if that maybe sounds like you, |
48s | consider this your Foreign Movies 101 or |
51s | beginner's guide to getting into |
53s | non-English language movies. Now before |
56s | we jump into some of my favourite movie |
57s | picks I need to do a quick little intro |
60s | about why it really is so important to |
62s | watch these non-English, non-American, |
65s | non-mainstream non-Hollywood non-studio |
69s | budgeted films. Firstly, it's perspective. |
71s | Different filmmakers have very different |
73s | stories to tell and different ways of |
75s | telling it. If you look outside that safe |
77s | sphere of English films, you will find an |
80s | endlessly diverse range of stories that |
82s | are culturally unique to whatever |
84s | country they are coming out of, even if |
87s | they don't necessarily intend to be. |
88s | Simply by being set in a different |
90s | geographical location, they'll naturally |
92s | bring those elements into the story. |
94s | They'll bring in different outlooks and |
96s | perspectives on culture, on family life |
99s | and relationships, and these things could |
101s | be a world away from what you know. |
103s | Secondly, it's to diversify. Getting out |
106s | of your comfort zone is a really great |
108s | thing and while it might be challenging |
110s | at first, like anything, you have to work |
113s | at it to reap the benefits, but you will |
115s | get such a better appreciation for |
118s | movies overall by exposing yourself to |
121s | different ways of telling stories that |
123s | don't always follow that same generic |
125s | formula and structure. So if you are |
127s | looking to get into foreign movies. here |
129s | some great places to start. I've |
131s | collated a little list of some of my |
133s | favorite movies from Europe to the |
136s | Middle East and finishing up in Asia, so |
138s | let's get started. Number one, and please |
141s | bear in mind it's in no particular order, |
143s | like, the list that I'm about to tell you, |
145s | but we'll get started with number one. It |
148s | is France's 2001 romantic comedy, Amelie. |
153s | This is starring the adorkable Audrey |
156s | Tautou. This is directed by Jean-Pierre Jeunet |
158s | and is about this painfully shy Parisian |
161s | waitress. She's so sweet, so charming, and |
165s | she really tries to improve the lives of |
168s | those around her in a really strange |
170s | quirky little ways. It is so charming |
173s | this world that Jeunet has built so |
176s | fantastical on the border of absurd but |
179s | yeah it is so so sweet and I love the |
182s | music by Yann Tiersen, it is so lovely every |
186s | time I hear it. It just makes me so |
188s | bright and warm. An absolutely gorgeous |
190s | movie if you haven't seen a foreign film, |
192s | this is a great one to start with. "Ça va? |
195s | Un café s'il vous plaît. Merci. Au revoir." |
200s | And that is the extent of my grade six |
202s | French. Next up, number two from Spain. |
205s | This is the fantasy horror film Pan's |
208s | Labyrinth, directed by the masterful |
211s | Guillermo del Toro. Set in 1944 amongst |
215s | the Spanish Civil War, it's really a dark |
217s | time to set a fairy tale, but that's what |
219s | makes it so incredible as we follow the |
222s | story of young Orfelia who meets a |
224s | faun and this faun tells her that if she |
227s | can complete these three challenges that |
229s | she will be saved from her really, like, |
232s | violent and dire home-life situation. It |
236s | is surprisingly very scary. I remember |
239s | when I first saw it, I was absolutely in |
242s | awe because it was both brilliant and |
244s | terrifying at the exact same time. |
247s | There's one particular scene with a |
249s | demonic creature who has eyeballs in his |
252s | hands and he puts these hands up to his |
255s | face in order to see |
257s | and it's still really creeps me out. |
259s | still staying in Europe at number three |
262s | we are in Italy or for in 1997's film |
265s | life is beautiful even though this one |
267s | is set during world war ii and during |
269s | the nazi occupation of many European |
271s | countries and specifically during the |
274s | Holocaust it is still classified as a |
277s | comedy believe it or not it actually is |
279s | and that is partly or mainly due to the |
283s | lead character Guido played by Roberto |
285s | Benigni so amazingly he's so upbeat he's |
289s | so charismatic despite all the doom and |
291s | gloom going on around him he uses his |
294s | humor in order to get through it and he |
296s | continues to use this humor and this |
298s | positive outlook on life even as he and |
302s | his young son are being taken away to |
304s | the concentration camp I'm gonna tell |
307s | you I did cry a lot in this movie but it |
310s | is so amazing and paninis performance he |
314s | went on to win the Best Actor Award at |
317s | the Oscars it's marvelous next up we are |
320s | continuing to move eastward across the |
322s | globe with turkey's film mustang from |
326s | 2015 this was actually the first film |
329s | out of turkey that i think that i had |
331s | ever seen and it was absolutely |
334s | incredible mustang is set in a remote |
336s | turkish village and follows these five |
339s | orphaned sisters who are living with an |
342s | aunt and uncle in a very very strict and |
346s | sort of religiously closed households |
350s | basically until they can be married off |
352s | it's a coming-of-age story and it is |
355s | without a doubt the resilience of these |
357s | sisters and their bonds with each other |
360s | that makes this movie it's so incredibly |
362s | touching it hits really high at the |
365s | subservient role of women within this |
367s | culture and it's probably more about |
370s | provoking and creating discussion than |
373s | it is about absolute accuracy i've heard |
376s | a lot of people say this isn't |
378s | indicative of Turkish culture in this |
381s | region of the world but for what it's |
383s | worth it is absolutely a film which |
386s | incites so much discussion and is done |
388s | really brilliant |
389s | let's finish this off with number five a |
391s | film from Japan this is the anime |
394s | spirited away from 2001 directed by |
397s | Hayao Miyazaki yes this is an animated |
400s | film and you might think it is for |
402s | children and but trust me it is just as |
404s | much for adults as it is for children |
407s | and also not very small children it is |
409s | kind of scary in parts according to |
411s | Wikipedia this film is the second |
413s | highest-grossing animated film of all |
416s | time so really if you haven't seen it |
418s | you must hear ten-year-old sin somehow |
421s | stumbles across this magical fantastical |
425s | bathhouse or you would also call it a |
428s | spy resort and is trapped there and has |
431s | to work at the resort or at the |
433s | bathhouse in order to win her own |
435s | freedom it is an absolutely thrilling |
438s | adventure right all the characters that |
441s | sin interacts with yo Baba the evil boss |
445s | who oversees this bathhouse and won't |
447s | let sin go it is just it's so magical I |
451s | absolutely adore this film I adore the |
454s | animation so so much and Studio Ghibli |
456s | went on and made a whole range of these |
460s | fantastical anime films and I loved |
463s | every single one of them and Studio |
465s | Ghibli films like spirited away like |
468s | Howl's Moving Castle or like Princess |
470s | Mononoke there are some of my favorites |
472s | they make Disney films feel childish |
475s | that is it from me guys thank you so |
478s | much for hanging out with me today don't |
480s | forget to comment down below and let me |
482s | know some of your favorite foreign films |
484s | and what you would recommend for people |
486s | wanting to get more into foreign movies |
489s | like what's the more accessible movies |
492s | that you would recommend for newcomers |
494s | to the genre don't forget to subscribe |
496s | to my channel to keep up to date with |
498s | all things movies and TV due as well |
501s | click that little bell icon so you can |
503s | say notified every time that I |
505s | a new video thank you so much for |
507s | watching guys and I will see you next |
509s | time bye |