0s | Asian Network. She's styled like a |
3s | Bollywood actress. Like she's styled like |
5s | Deepika Padukone in Bajirao Mastani or |
8s | all of those kind of roles. I literally got - oh my gosh, I have to tell you a |
10s | funny story. I - Do you know |
12s | Nagada Sang Dhol? Yeah of course, from |
15s | Ram-Leela. Yeah. |
24s | So like, I was showing - I was like playing it. I was on set, and it |
27s | was these like, you know, I had like an |
28s | American cast and crew, and so I'm |
30s | playing it and like because I love that |
31s | song so much. Yeah. And literally someone |
34s | was like, "Oh it's so beautiful, |
36s | Nay is that you?" I was just like, "Yeah, yeah, |
40s | no it is, it is," but I thought to myself, |
42s | "Gosh, you could be you could be compared |
44s | to worse people than Nagada." I was like, |
47s | "Well, I'll take that. She's pretty |
48s | beautiful." Was that a reference point at |
50s | all? Was Bollywood a reference point? I |
52s | think so, I think that because naturally |
54s | those things come together because of |
56s | how colorful it is and because of the |
58s | music element, but ultimately there were |
60s | so many different cultures that were - |
63s | were drawn upon for this movie, |
65s | whether it's to do with the costumes or |
67s | the sets, but I loved the fact that, yes |
70s | that kind of Bollywood - how things just |
73s | burst out of the screen, I think - and that |
75s | joyousness - I think that really comes |
77s | through in our movie. Every Asian girl I |
79s | know dreams of being Princess Jasmine. |
82s | Did you dream the same? Yes, of course, of |
85s | course. Absolutely. I mean Princess |
88s | Jasmine was my favorite princess because - |
91s | because of exactly what you just said. I |
93s | saw myself in her, you know, I could |
96s | relate to her, and yeah I think you do. |
98s | You take ownership over - over your |
100s | princess, don't you? It feels like this |
102s | Princess Jasmine is even more empowered |
104s | than the animated one. Is that because of |
106s | criticism that Disney Princesses have |
108s | faced over the years? You know, there's a |
109s | scene in Wreck-it Ralph 2 where all |
111s | these Disney Princesses - Oh my gosh, I love that scene. |
114s | It's so brilliant. |
116s | Do people assume all your problems got |
118s | solved because a big strong man showed |
120s | up? Yes! What is up with that? She is a princess! We're in 2019, and, you know, she is a |
127s | princess. That is the context in which |
129s | she lives. She actually is. She's royalty. |
131s | Yeah. And |
132s | that comes with all the opulence but |
134s | really it was - it was just about |
136s | humanizing her. It's not so much about, oh |
138s | she has to be strong and sassy and |
141s | whatever. It's like, no, she wants to be |
143s | the leader, you know, she has something to |
145s | give. She's intelligent. She's a |
147s | politician. She studied. And I think that |
150s | that's just so important for little |
152s | girls to just see - an - an active Disney |
156s | heroine just moving her - pushing forward |
158s | her own narrative. It feels like actors |
161s | of Egyptian heritage are having their |
163s | moment in Hollywood right now. You're |
164s | playing Aladdin, Rami Malek recently won |
167s | an Oscar for Bohemian Rhapsody. Does it |
169s | feel like a long time coming? I grew up |
171s | watching a lot of Egyptian cinema and we |
173s | have some prolific Egyptian directors |
176s | and musicians and actors, so there's a |
179s | lot of talent in Egypt and the Middle |
181s | East so, yeah, I think so. I think it's |
184s | time that we start, you know, viewing |
187s | those kinds of artists in a positive |
189s | light. |
190s | In fact, you said this is a really big |
191s | moment for Middle Eastearn casting as |
194s | well. What did you mean by that? |
195s | It is. I don't think it's just Middle |
197s | Eastern but, you know, people of color and |
199s | diverse ethnicities, |
200s | you know, Naomi's half Indian and she |
203s | represents, you know, the huge country of |
206s | India and Asia and I just think that |
209s | hopefully this film resonates with |
211s | people and Hollywood can, you know, see |
214s | that even if you do make a film with |
217s | people of color as the leads, it can |
219s | still be successful and it can still |
221s | smash. Do you think we're still closer to |
223s | colorblind casting, though? Because of |
225s | course the way you looked helped you be |
228s | cast as Aladdin. I think now we're more |
230s | sensitive to that than ever. I think |
232s | we're a little bit away from colorblind |
234s | casting, but I think that's eventually |
236s | the goal. You've said that one of the key |
238s | themes of this film for you is about |
240s | finding yourself, finding your identity, |
242s | and that's something you say you've |
244s | struggled with in your own life. Yeah, I |
246s | think that's something that everyone |
248s | goes through and I don't think you ever |
249s | stop going through that, but when I |
252s | was a kid, you know, I looked different from |
254s | a lot of, you know, my colleagues, and - and |
257s | students that I went to high school with |
259s | and I ate different food and I spoke a |
261s | different language and I definitely felt |
263s | like the outcast |
264s | sometimes, and Aladdin definitely goes |
267s | through that every day. Asian Network |