0s | Has this ever happened to you? |
1s | |
3s | you think you have your bearings |
4s | |
6s | and suddenly you're lost! |
7s | The good new is you have a map |
10s | |
11s | you have no idea where you are |
12s | Pay close attention as this couple |
14s | asks for directions to the museum |
16s | |
18s | And listen carefully, because in a minute |
20s | you'll have to find the museum on your own |
23s | |
25s | |
26s | |
27s | |
28s | Where are you trying to go? |
29s | The museum, which I think is that way |
31s | No, it's definitely that way |
34s | |
34s | First of all, you're upside down -Uhuh |
36s | Ok so yeah we're way down here -Ok |
38s | |
39s | |
40s | So you gotta head five blocks north - Right |
42s | When you get to Joey's Pizza, make a right |
46s | Then you're gonna go three blocks east |
48s | There's a hot dog cart on this corner |
50s | You're gonna make a left at that hot dog cart |
51s | then you're gonna go three blocks past this jazz club |
53s | and it's gonna be right in front of you |
55s | Ok so I knew I was right about this |
57s | So it's five, three, and three |
60s | Great. Thank you so much! |
62s | Oh wait, let me get a picture of you guys |
64s | |
65s | |
66s | Now take a look at this map |
69s | |
70s | see if you can follow these directions |
72s | to find your way to the museum |
74s | So you gotta head five blocks north - Right |
76s | When you get to Joey's Pizza make a right |
79s | Then you gotta go three blocks east |
82s | There's a hot dog cart on this corner |
84s | You're gonna make a left at that hot dog cart |
85s | then you're gonna go three blocks past this jazz club |
87s | and it's gonna be right in front of you |
90s | So were you able to follow the student's directions to the museum? |
95s | If you're brain-mapping abilities were up to the task, |
97s | you'd see that the directions the student gave |
100s | |
102s | For those who followed along |
103s | congratulations on having great spatial awareness |
107s | |
109s | Those tourists weren't really lost |
112s | |
113s | |
115s | |
116s | They weren't tourists at all |
121s | |
123s | Instead of watching a student helping |
125s | a lost couple with directions, |
127s | you were watching a couple of pickpockets |
129s | helping themselves to the student's cellphone, |
133s | |
137s | |
145s | |
147s | Now, did you catch any of that the first time |
149s | |
150s | |
151s | It just goes to show you should be |
153s | aware of your surroundings |
156s | and beware of what you might be missing |
159s | |