5s | On this day, we trust a rodent to predict the weather |
9s | Welcome to WatchMojo.com and today we'll be learning more about Groundhog Day |
19s | Groundhog Day is celebrated annually on February 2nd |
22s | On this day, people use a groundhog to determine the length of the current winter season |
28s | and the possible early onset of Spring |
31s | This weather prediction is dependent on the day's conditions |
34s | Six more weeks of winter are on the way |
36s | if sunshine causes the Groundhog to see its shadow and go back into hibernation |
41s | Sorry folks, six more weeks of Winter! |
44s | While clouds and grey skies prevent the apperance of the groundhog's shadow |
48s | and result in Spring's speedy arrival |
59s | The period between the Winter solstice and Spring equinox has been important throughout history |
65s | For instance, the Celts anticipated Spring by celebrating the pagan festival of Imbolc |
71s | Some people believe Imbolc then evolved into the Christian holiday of Candlemass |
75s | which celebrates the presentation of Jesus at the temple and falls on the 2nd of February |
81s | It was during the Middle Ages that Europeans began to rely on the shadows of hibernating animals |
87s | as an indication of incoming weather |
89s | During the 1700s and 1800s |
92s | German immigrants brought this belief to the United States |
95s | and selected the groundhog as the chosen animal in Pennsylvania |
99s | The first official celebration of Groundhog Day occurred in the state city of Punxsutawney |
104s | in the late 1880s |
106s | when several businessmen and groundhog hunters of the Punxsutawney Groundhog Club |
111s | watched the groundhog observing his shadow |
113s | Though this holiday has since spread across North America, |
116s | the biggest annual Groundhog Day celebrations remain in its place of origin |
121s | where a groundhog dubbed Punxsutawney Phil predicts the weather |
124s | Tens of thousands of people and countless media outlets visit the city during early February |
130s | to participate in festivities that include music and food |
134s | For the actual ceremony, Phil is relocated to Gobbler's Knob by its handlers |
139s | made up of a group of tophat- and tuxedo-wearing individuals called the Inner Circle |
145s | Though the Punxsutawney Groundhog club maintains that Phil is right up to 90% of the time, |
150s | studies have shown the number is actually closer to less than 40% |
155s | This has done nothing to quell people's interest and fascination with the groundhog's forecasts |
160s | In fact, the holiday was given an even bigger boost |
164s | following the successful 1993 comedy Groundhog Day |
167s | This is one time where television really fails to capture |
170s | the true excitement of a large squirrel predicting the weather |
174s | Set in Punxsutawney, the film also led to Groundhog Day being used as an expression |
179s | for experiencing situations over and over again |
182s | Do you ever have deja vu, Mrs. Lancaster? |
185s | I don't think so but I could check with the kitchen |
187s | From movies and TV shows to children's toys, |
190s | Phil and Groundhog Day have appeared in pop culture on numerous occassions |
194s | Though Groundhog Day is mostly observed in North America, |
198s | other countries practice similar traditions |
200s | Some American states use other animals instead of the groundhog |
204s | Meanwhile, the Canadian city of Wiarton in Ontario |
207s | is home to a popular festival based around a groundhog named Wiarton Willie |
212s | For more great videos, be sure to subscribe to WatchMojo.com |