2s | You've heard people fill space, correct? A |
5s | couple of months ago, I was at a law firm. |
8s | You ever watched someone walk in the |
11s | room and they just have executive |
12s | presence? However I know we all define it |
14s | differently. This woman enters the room. |
16s | She walked in the room like she belonged |
19s | there. She had one of those handshakes |
20s | you'll never forget and she looked ya |
22s | dead in the eye, and we're talking about |
24s | brevity and trying to get to the point, |
26s | be clear, concise, and at some point |
28s | during that conversation she was pretty |
29s | quiet up to that day, a point of the day |
32s | and she raised her hand. She decides she |
33s | shares a story with us. She shares with |
35s | us how she lives in Dallas, she was in |
37s | New York, on the busy streets of New York |
38s | on the call if the client trying to flag |
40s | down a cab. The cab pulls, up she hops |
42s | in that cab and halfway to LaGuardia she's |
44s | on this call with the client. Prior to |
47s | reaching LaGuardia she concludes that |
48s | call. The cab driver peers in that |
53s | rearview mirror and he asked her, can I |
55s | give you feedback? |
57s | Can you imagine? You're sitting in the |
60s | backseat of a cab and someone asked you |
63s | for feedback. She thought - she was - before |
65s | I could even answer him, he goes on to |
67s | say to her, I figure I'll never see you |
68s | again. Can I give you feedback? She |
70s | figured, what does he have to tell me? He |
72s | goes on to say to her, when you first |
74s | come to my cab you look like you have an |
75s | important job, but now you know when the |
79s | word "but" is out of context, what happens |
81s | after the word "but"? It all goes downhill |
84s | from there if you're not careful with |
85s | how you're using it, yes, we're talking |
86s | about brevity. He goes on to say to her, when |
88s | you first got in my cab you look like |
89s | you have an important job, but when I |
90s | heard you on the phone, I started to |
92s | second guess what you do. You say "um" and "ah" |
94s | a lot. Takes you a long time to get to |
97s | the point. And it was difficult to follow |
100s | your conversation. You can't make this |
105s | stuff up. |
106s | So she said, fortunate for him, they |
108s | reached LaGuardia she can't toss that |
110s | money over the cab seat fast enough. She |
112s | hops out the cab, slams the cab door, she |
114s | finds herself aggressively walking down |
115s | that airport terminal, when it hits her. |
117s | And she realized, wait a second, perhaps |
122s | my cab coach just told me what everyone |
126s | is saying behind my back. |
128s | A couple of months later, she drops me an |
131s | email and she says, you know, that |
132s | feedback has changed the way people |
135s | respond to me. One of the biggest |
138s | challenges that people have is getting |
140s | to the point. Can you relate? You're in a |
142s | conversation, and you're out in right |
143s | field, you're out in left field, and |
145s | you're wondering how in the world you got |
146s | there? Anyone? And our subconscious says, |
149s | keep talking. Torture them even more. And |
152s | eventually you will figure it out. One of |
155s | the best ways to jeopardize your |
157s | knowledge, one of the best ways to waste |
160s | time, are when we fell. Now "um" and "ah", I bet |
163s | if you make a commitment today, right now, |
165s | by next week Wednesday, just get rid of |
167s | them. You don't want it. Get rid of it. |
168s | Here's where people don't realize is we |
170s | say more than we need to say. If you |
173s | could really net through your |
174s | communication and eliminate the extra |
176s | words, what you leave behind will always |
179s | have more impact. Yep, this is easier said |
182s | than done. I want you to think of a |
184s | comedian. I always think of a comedian |
185s | when I talk about honor silence. Honor |
187s | that brevity by trusting your competence. |
189s | Every time you've seen a comedian in action |
192s | when they hit the punch line, what do |
193s | they do? Because that's the experience. |
197s | Can you imagine if they would never |
198s | pause to allow you to laugh? Why would |
201s | you go? There would be no purpose for you to be |
203s | there. |
203s | Communication is the same way. Put this |
206s | in your front pocket. Start thinking and |
209s | speaking in bullet point sentences. You |
214s | are better to say nothing at all than to |
216s | umm - you just gave it a way that you |
218s | don't know. Think we can be the smartest |
221s | individuals in our industry if it takes |
223s | us too long to get to the point, it |
225s | really does jeopardize our knowledge. |