6s | What do these animals have in common? |
9s | More than you might think. |
11s | Along with over 5,000 other species, they're mammals, |
15s | or members of class mammalia. |
18s | All mammals are vertebrates, meaning they have backbones. |
21s | But mammals are distinguished from other vertebrates |
24s | by a number of shared features. |
27s | That includes warm blood, |
28s | body hair or fur, |
31s | the ability to breathe using lungs, |
33s | and nourishing their young with milk. |
36s | But despite these similarities, |
38s | these creatures also have many biological differences, |
41s | and one of the most remarkable is how they give birth. |
44s | Let's start with the most familiar, placental mammals. |
48s | This group includes humans, |
50s | cats, |
50s | dogs, |
51s | giraffes, |
52s | and even the blue whale, the biggest animal on Earth. |
56s | Its placenta, a solid disk of blood-rich tissue, |
59s | attaches to the wall of the uterus to support the developing embryo. |
63s | The placenta is what keeps the calf alive during pregnancy. |
67s | Directly connected to the mother's blood supply, |
69s | it funnels nutrients and oxygen straight into the calf's body |
73s | via the umbilical cord, |
75s | and also exports its waste. |
78s | Placental mammals can spend far longer inside the womb than other mammals. |
82s | Baby blue whales, for instance, spend almost a full year inside their mother. |
88s | The placenta keeps the calf alive right up until its birth, |
91s | when the umbilical cord breaks |
93s | and the newborn's own respiratory, |
95s | circulatory, |
96s | and waste disposal systems take over. |
100s | Measuring about 23 feet, a newborn calf is already able to swim. |
105s | It will spend the next six months |
106s | drinking 225 liters of its mothers thick, fatty milk per day. |
113s | Meanwhile, in Australia, you can find a second type of mammal - |
117s | marsupials. |
119s | Marsupial babies are so tiny and delicate when they're born |
122s | that they must continue developing in the mother's pouch. |
127s | Take the quoll, one of the world's smallest marsupials, |
131s | which weighs only 18 milligrams at birth, |
134s | the equivalent of about 30 sugar grains. |
138s | The kangaroo, another marsupial, |
140s | gives birth to a single jelly bean-sized baby at a time. |
144s | The baby crawls down the middle of the mother's three vaginas, |
147s | then must climb up to the pouch, |
149s | where she spends the next 6-11 months suckling. |
153s | Even after the baby kangaroo leaves this warm haven, |
156s | she'll return to suckle milk. |
158s | Sometimes, she's just one of three babies her mother is caring for. |
163s | A female kangaroo can often simultaneously support one inside her uterus |
167s | and another in her pouch. |
170s | In unfavorable conditions, |
172s | female kangaroos can pause their pregnancies. |
175s | When that happens, she's able to produce two different kinds of milk, |
179s | one for her newborn, |
180s | and one for her older joey. |
183s | The word mammalia means of the breast, |
186s | which is a bit of a misnomer |
188s | because while kangaroos do produce milk from nipples in their pouches, |
191s | they don't actually have breasts. |
194s | Nor do monotremes, the third and arguably strangest example of mammalian birth. |
201s | There were once hundreds of monotreme species, |
204s | but there are only five left: |
206s | four species of echidnas and the duck-billed platypus. |
211s | The name monotreme means one hole |
214s | referring to the single orifice they use for reproduction, |
217s | excretion, |
218s | and egg-laying. |
220s | Like birds, |
220s | reptiles, |
221s | fish, |
222s | dinosaurs, |
223s | and others, |
224s | these species lay eggs instead of giving birth to live young. |
229s | Their eggs are soft-shelled, |
231s | and when their babies hatch, they suckle milk from pores on their mother's body |
236s | until they're large enough to feed themselves. |
239s | Despite laying eggs and other adaptations that we associate more with non-mammals, |
243s | like the duck-bill platypus's webbed feet, |
246s | bill, |
247s | and the venomous spur males have on their feet, |
250s | they are, in fact, mammals. |
253s | That's because they share the defining characteristics of mammalia |
256s | and are evolutionarily linked to the rest of the class. |
260s | Whether placental, |
261s | marsupial, |
262s | or monotreme, |
263s | each of these creatures and its unique birthing methods, however bizarre, |
267s | have succeeded for many millennia in bringing new life and diversity |
272s | into the mammal kingdom. |