2s | |
7s | |
17s | Why do- why do we gossip? |
20s | |
24s | Uh, we gossip because we have nothing better to do. Make time pass. |
28s | Why do we gossip? I think to feel better about ourselves. |
32s | And to attach ourselves to the other person that we're gossiping with. |
36s | |
38s | -We want to compare our own to theirs. We wanna see that they're just as valuable as we are |
45s | That they make just as many mistakes. |
47s | Most likely because it's kinda fun |
51s | and it's kind of interesting and it plays to that low part of everybody. |
54s | I think people gossip because they're focused |
58s | on what's outside of them rather than what's inside. The ego loves drama. |
64s | so the ego creates drama and focuses on dramas. |
67s | so it doesn't have to feel its own pain. |
69s | It makes people feel like better to talk about other people's damage and brokenness |
76s | It seems inbuilt in human nature. |
79s | Though there are people who don't gossip particularly. |
82s | I suppose the person who is gossiping gets a certain satisfaction |
87s | out of what they're saying even though it may be |
91s | not very pleasant or very nice. It may be harmful. |
94s | Its the one time we get to completely forget about our own flaws and just focus |
97s | |
98s | So there's a certain amount of joy in going like "You know what? You know what that |
101s | guy really needs to do if he wants to improve his life?" |
104s | and then you go through all the things that they should do and really |
107s | a lot of it you should probably do as well. |
109s | Yeah, I've heard about gossip that people have said about me. I've seen it online. |
113s | People think that I just like dress the way I do for attention. |
116s | They try to be like others but I really don't. |
119s | I was with this girl for a while and |
121s | then we broke up and people start talking about like |
124s | why we broke up. That stuff that wasn't true but because other people are |
128s | talking about it people think it's true. |
131s | Someone I knew many, many, years ago... We were very close. I happened to come in one time |
138s | and saw a letter in the typewriter. |
141s | They painted me in a unpleasant negative way. |
144s | It just brought the friendship to a crashing halt |
148s | which could never ever again be revived in the same |
152s | confidence or the same closeness. |
155s | When people gossip about me it's hurt my feelings and |
158s | I didn't want to get hurt and I don't wanna hurt other people. |
161s | It's talking about someone in no way shape or form helps you or help them |
165s | but if you talk to the person as opposed to talking about them you actually get somewhere. |
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